whats your opinion on sleeping tablets?? getting so fed up of not sleeping wondering if they might help in anyway always been against them but had enough now, just want to be able to get more sleep any ideas i do take cocodamol even they dont work now
sleeping tablets: whats your opinion on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
sleeping tablets

Sleeping pills probably saved my life.All the way through my teens, 20s and 30s I'd have nervous breakdowns, they would take months to recover from. It took 6 years to do a 4 year degree for example. All of these breakdowns were over undiagnosed or untreatable pain and insomnia. Every breakdown would start with no sleep for nights on end. It broke my mind so many times.
Until a merciful GP prescribed me sleeping pills. I only get 10 for 6 months but ever since then I have not had a breakdown, not in almost 20 years despite me actually quite a lot more ill than I was then.
So I definitely approve of sleeping pills.
I've been told my insomnia is untreatable many times by nhs and private doctors. I've done clinical trials for chronic migraines and insomnia, nothing worked on me.
sorry to hear that hopefully you go there in end but glad to hear its better for you now. shame its not treaable for you thanks for reply and hope all well still.
Tamazapam they can in 15mg & 30 mg I take both same time but been in them for years
Hello I've had trouble sleeping from pain and just not being able to switch off was given zppiclone and they helped giving me about 4to5 hrs rest but then surgery cut then without any warning so back to not sleeping at all for upto 3 days . But did remember when in hospital they gave me melatonin aswell as zopiclone so I brought melatonin myself and take 1 at night which helps a bit but not as good as zopiclone my advice is take sleeping tablets if given or try melatonin which is hormone your body makes
I have suffered from bouts of insomnia on and off as far as I can remember, and any kind of sleep disturbance makes me completely non functioning.
Rhematologists have told me if I don’t sleep, my body won’t be able to heal, they gave me amytrioptline, but I had to stop due to very bad heart palpitations. Whilst in Italy I saw a Rhematologist there, and I was prescribed Milesax (MAGNESIUM BISGLYCINATE, BOSWELLIA SERRATA, L- TRYPTOPHAN). Which for me has made a noticeable difference with my sleep. If I miss a few doses my sleep starts to get impacted. She also prescribe sleeping pills, but told to try magnesium first, and if that didn’t work, to move to the tablets. I don’t necessarily feel refreshed after sleep (I cannot remember a time I have woken up refreshed, even after a solid uninterrupted 8 hours, and even when not having insomnia). However, this stops me waking up at around 1 am and then being wide awake and not getting back to sleep until when it’s time to get up (which had become my new normal before starting Milesax). The above is hard to get in the UK due to Brexit, I’m lucky enough that I have friends and family going back and forth to Italy to keep me stocked, when I spoke to the GP here about getting a prescription, was told they don’t prescribe magnesium, but she’d heard a lot of people say it has helped, and one of her colleagues takes it to help with sleep. Told me to go buy some from Holland and Barrett, I’ve looked for anything with the same ingredients in the UK, but so far haven’t found any (need to be purchased separately), I will cross that bridge if I can no longer get Milesax.
Hi I take magnesium at night it really helps me to relax and sleep, there is nothing worse than not sleeping, it impacts on your life
Early morning or late night,
Hi dolphin21,
I take amertrypaline (sorry crappy spelling)
So here I am at 03,30 and here I am still awake even after taken all the meds still awake, I'll probably fall asleep in the next hour of so,
I already take 20 b****y pills a day and the trypt ones are suppose to help in taking me to the land of nod?
Hmmmm, The only good thing out of this is....?
I get to hear the dawn chourus, I get to hear my young nieghbour (sorry, crap spelling) coming home after a night on the tiles,(wow I used to do that) Thankfully he has a respect for others around who as a normal person would have been with said Sandman log ago,
I get to hear the odd fox bark and then someones dog bark back,
I get to hear an owl close by,
But also I get to struggle with keeping still from my restless legs
I get to worry on how this curse takes over my body every single day and night of my life'
I get to cry from the sheer frustration of not being able to go outside or SLEEP,
And I get to over think on what I must have done in a past life to deserve this never ending misery??
So in answer I think sleeping tablets could be useful to individuals and to many to help drift off to sleep but how long do they do the job?
And whose to say after a sleep will you feel refreshed when you wake up
Hi sorry I can't help with the sleeping tablets, but I just wanted to say about the co-codamol, and I hope you don't think that I am being out of place. You say you take them even though they don't work any more. They contain Codeine and are addictive and over time your body will get used to them and they won't help. I used to take the full dose and I became addicted to them so I weaned myself off them, very slowly by reducing a tablet at a time over many weeks. I now take them only when I am in extreme pain, and they do work for me now.
You'd have to discuss with your Dr. And not forget they're addictive.
I take Zopiclone but I'm reducing them as they no longer work.
Good luck with your Dr, and I hope you sleep soon hun
What is this speak of sleep you say Bnjkjf and x I have officially lost my mind with not nearly enough rest!! Come on Sis, I know where you hide your stash!!!
Hahaha🤪🤪🤪😆😆😆🚑 They're coming to take me away aHa For those that don't get my sense of humour, Sorry JUST KIDDING😷🤒🤕🤕😵💫😵 I need comitting
Hiya, I've taken zopiclone and phenegan night tablets (not at the same time!)and both have worked brilliant. I only take for a night or 2 in an emergency when I'm stuck in a rut of really, really bad sleep or when I was extra poorly like with COVID and I just needed a night's sleep. They aren't a long term solution sadly x
I take 500mg magenuism (can't spell) nightly from home bargains and they have helped. However when really bad I do need to take sleeping pills Do and try what you feel is right as it is trial and error
I have taken sleeping pills on and off for nearly 20 years, without sleep I become suicidal and very quickly. I have ADHD and it means the noradrenaline rush that is supposed to happen in the morning and wake you up, happens for me at around 10pm and keeps me up all night instead.
Most are addictive (especially benzodiazipines like Temazepam, I’d be surprised if you can find any doctor these days who would prescribe that for sleep) and all lose effectiveness very quickly if used regularly, so doctors will generally prescribe a week’s worth max at a time, if at all. Zopiclone is the first prescription one if other methods fail, followed by Zolpidem. There are a few drowsy antihistamines that you can buy over the counter to try first, promethazine is fairly strong (sold as Phenergan and Nytol, in two strengths). Ask your pharmacist. Melatonin helps some people but used regularly will actually worsen the problem as it interferes with your body’s own production of it, so they don’t prescribe it here - it’s readily and legally available online though if you want to try it. Did nothing for me.
I am prescribed quitiapine now, for other reasons but one of the main side effects is it’s very sedating so great for sleep. Mirtazipine is another antidepressant commonly given for long term sleep problems rather than acute insomnia.
Sleeping pills taken every night will quickly stop working, unless you rotate different ones all the time and take breaks. But they are very effective taken occasionally for a few nights at a time. I can’t imagine life without, everything becomes impossible for me and pain levels through the roof even after one bad night.
I've currently had about 3-4 hours of sleep over the last 3 nights (or should I say, early mornings!!) 😩 🙃 😴 😪 I went thru imsomnia for over 2 years, but after I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I was prescribed Duloxetine that was gradually increased to the maximum dose of 120mg taken once at night alongside 10mg of Amitriptyline that I was already on for neuropathy. I started to sleep a lot better after this but I think that's wearing off a bit now 🥱 so if I find that's not working as well as it usually does, I take an extra Amitriptyline. As you can see, it's not helped over the last 3 nights but I have been having regular flare ups over the last 2 weeks and I've been feeling a bit off so I'm hoping it's just temporary.If I'm not sleeping due to my mind racing/anxiety, I will take a Diazepam but I try not to take these on a regular basis as I don't want to be dependent on yet another medication (I'm dependent on opioid medication which I'm trying to wean off currently due to it not workingas well at it used to due to tolerance, been taking it sine 2021!).
In short, I don't feel there is anything wrong with sleeping tablets as long as you only use them sensibly and make sure you have regular breaks, maybe don't use them more than 3 nights in a row as this will help minimise you becoming dependent and then also tolerant on them.
GL Dolphin xx
thanks for reply might try magamuim first then see how goes, my docs aint much use in giving tablets tbh just left to ithope you start feeling better soon take care
You're very welcome hun 😊Will you please keep us updated on how you get on with the Magnesium 🙏🏼 if its any good, I might give that a go if I'm still having trouble as I really don't want to go thru Insomnia ever again, it had a devastating effect on my life, my career and being a mum 😥 plus it just drives me crazy when I can't sleep 😕 it's torture isn't it 😖😖
I really hope it works for you 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Angela 😇 xx