So got some letters through the post the other day..
Apparently I'm being transferred to the pain clinic, no idea who they are?!? Not sure if I want to go and see them.
Also got a HADS test sent from the mental health team,
So got some letters through the post the other day..
Apparently I'm being transferred to the pain clinic, no idea who they are?!? Not sure if I want to go and see them.
Also got a HADS test sent from the mental health team,
Hi, think it varies from area to area, but pain clinic I went to was a team of physio , cognitive behavior therapist & psychologist, who tried to give support and advice on different treatments and coping strategies, including medication, alternative therapies such as TENS machine, meditation, mindfulness, physio and councilling. They have longer to spend with you than your GP appointments and in my experience are more interested in helping you cope with living with Fibro and maximizing quality of life. I would definitely give it a go!
Sorry, don't know what HADS test is.
Good luck x
I Have been and it is a great idea as agft described you can take from it the areas that seem usefull to you. Mine was a six week intense course the area I wanted was how to use sorry fog has landed cannot think of the word. I will return when normality returns xxgins
hi gins,i was refered to a pain clinic this year after my gp & rhumatology couldnt decide what was wrong with me,i was in there about half an hr he did a point test asked me questions & said no doubt you have fibromyalgia.said apart from medication theres nothing can be done,said he would refer me to a support group,i had no info nothing at all,i was just happy to get a diagnosis as to why i was in so much pain.a few weeks later i got a leaflet sent with a fone num from support group,i called them several times,it was always an answer fone,after a couple of wks i finally had a call bk from them,to cut it short there not in my borough theres nothing were i live so i can go on their list..they only have 2 courses a year an hour a wk fot 6 wks the next one is not til march 2014! & its pot luck if i get on it as they take ppl in their own boro 1st,so what the point i could understand if i lived out in the sticks but im in a huge borough! im just so glad i found you people at least i dont feel so alone now(im not lonely,i have a huge family)its nice to be able to "talk" to others who no exactly how it is.sorry to ramble on but i feel better now thats off me chest lol & thank you all for being here xx
Definitely worth going. I had acupuncture & use of TENS machine. They are experts in pain & can advise on medication too. My pain clinic write to my GP telling him what I should be taking. In my opinion it's a great service for people with chronic pain.
I also had a good experience at Pain Clinic and would always suggest people consider asking for a referral. Here is some information on Pain Clinics which may be of help
My pain clinic team are great. I have access to the consultant clinician, a clinical pschologist who is my primary contact, and a physiotherapist. They look not only at getting your drugs right, but helping you to be able to take less of them - but in my experience there is no hurry with that. They are very open to trying things that the patient suggests as the are about MANAGEMENT of a painful condition, not trying to find a FIX for it.
Most of us will have had a HADS test, just not known what it was called... Hope it's okay to post this link...
Spirit x x x
I was wary at first but being referred to the pain clinic was one of the best things that happened to me. I was also put on the Fibromyalgia Management course they ran and that was brilliant. It doesn't solve all the problems but it can help. Give it a try would be my advice.
hi,i also have fibro,and many other problems, i went to a pain clinic, 3 yrs ago, to be honest, was,nt very good for me, all,s the doctor done was try me on different, meds, if i knew then, what i know now,i would of suggested, a lot more for me to try,lucky for me, i have the pain clinic a gain this month,i will be suggesting what i want and need,so i suggest you do the same, let him know what is goin on with you,and how you think he can help you, last time i just let him try different meds on me , not this time,i will be making sure, i get what i want from, my pain management, thats what they are there for, hope this helps, an hope ur feeling as better as can be with fibro, hugs to you