My wife was a nurse and damaged her back. After operations on her back which were not successful, she was medically retied from work in 1984 and she received Incapacity benefit from this point. After ten years on this she was sent a letter saying she was now cured and could go back to work. So we appealed this and won at tribunal so she went back onto the Incapacity benefit. 19 years after winning her tribunal appeal we were sent a letter saying this was all changing to ESA now and she had to go to an interview with ATOS. The report they compiled after the 20 minute interview concluded that she was not eligible for ESA. We appealed. She was given a 10 min phone interview after that which also declined ESA. We went to tribunal and after 10 minutes with a judge and doctor she went from 6 points to 21 (in the 30 odd years since her initial award, she has gained some other medical issues). The tribunal concluded that she now scored 21 points and further that is was the tribunals recommendation that the department does not reassess her again for 24 months.
This had taken 6 months of stress and anxiety but at least we thought this was all over for 2 years. Since then she has also been awarded a blue badge. So all is back to normal (or so I thought).
On Saturday she received a letter telling her that in May her payments stop as this is the 365 day limit being up. This was a shock as we now thought this was all behind us. Now, maybe we have not read or understood the changes but I assumed that as she was on a benefit, it was taken away, we applied and won, therefor we were back to the way it was.
She had a follow-up letter from Jobcentre plus for a ‘Work-focused interview for employment and support allowance claimants (personal advisor interview)’. Because of her condition he carried out the interview over the phone so that she did not need to come into the office. After which he said he would call her again after about 6 months and that we thought was that.
So now my question is, how do I know if she was put into a support group or not? I don’t have any documents says she is but at the same time the tribunal recommended no reassessment for two years? Can anyone help me clear this up please?