Does anyone have info regarding special housing as not walk properly if atall most days, plus not able to move out of bed for days on end, only mid 40s and i do not know were to begin looking or what for as i have my own house but i am leaving it with my children and ex partner still in it. thnx
Single person housing: Does anyone have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Single person housing

Hi There not sure if it applies to all councils but here goes. your need to be come homeless for your local council to have a duty of care (e.g. a moving out date in writing like a formal letter)In fact your better off registering with your local council first then doing that. This should enable them to give you the right to bid on a property plus they will usually have a list of private landlords that accept a key scheme from the council (usually you need to put a months rent in advance, but the council wont do this but what they do, do is promise the landlord to cover any damages occurred if in the event of) Im hoping that your local council work the same thing but im sure its like a standard thing. You wont loose your right to bid but your bid will be a new bid so private landlord is prob the most likely one, although id say keep bidding as this ups your likelihood over time and just sometimes and I mean rarely there's a property that will have only one bid on and then it yee haa for you. Secondly your bidding can be upped by the need you have but this is down to their discretion so do hope this is helpful and good luck and lots of hugs.
Local Adult Care (Social Services) which will have a Customer Service Centre should be able to help, advise and signpost. Check your Local Authority website.
I may be wrong, but councils will not house you because from the sound of it, you will be intentionally making your self homeless ( by moving out). Plus, you have a house already, albeit that you don't want to live there
i agree with lab-lover,you could ask your council what to do as you,ve split up.or as sniffer8 said,actually c.a.b. if you have one nearby should be able to advise you, they can also advice you over the phone, good luck x
Hi madddyyy
I hope that you are feeling as well as can be? Just wanted to say that Sniffer8 is spot and Local Adult Care (Social Services) is the place to start.
Good luck in your search
I have since wrang the local council who put me through to local housing who use to be council. Its not a case of not being wanted in the house, my ex partner and i are very good friends still and even in same house still but i know either she or even me will meet someone else and that then becomes and issue. PLus i do not want my best friend and ex to be a carer for me in my bad weeks and partly the reason for our mutual separation. She is not the person i met 20 years ago and nor i. although we both still love each other we have to move on but remain friends for our kids.
So anyway back on topic, our council is brilliant when it comes to support and other issues and are going to find me a bungalow within a sheltered housing sceme. so i can be independant but if needed i can access help. I have also been made aware of a retiremenr care village in the country for seaman as i was in the Royal navy and merchant navy for 18 years and i have someone from royal navy who is going to try and get me a flat ground floor there. So i am more optomystic now.
It all sounds great. So glad that things seam to be working out for you sue