housing priority !: question... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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housing priority !

larissa profile image
10 Replies

question .................. If i could no longer afford to rent privately would the council be obligated to help me , as a vulnerable person because of how fibro affects me ( i may have lupus too ) !!!??? Or if my accomodation no longer suited my needs , would i be eligable for help !?

I only just manage to work part time so once all the money from the sale of the house is gone on rent, i couldnt earn enough to stay in private rented !

Anyone have experience of this or have any knowledge/views on this !!!??

thanks x

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larissa profile image
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10 Replies
Twiglet profile image

Hi, if you have savings of less than £3000 pounds and are on a low income you may qualify for housing and/or council tax benifit.

Your best bet would be to go somewghere like citizens advice and ask them to look at your circumstances and see which benifits you are eligable to apply for, but short answer is yes, you should be able to get help :) xx

fairytails profile image

im in exactly the same position i rent privately and paid a year up front with a housesale due to divorce and paid all my debts but im panicking like crazy now theres not a night goes by without me dreaming and worrying ! and if that was the case that the council would home you it could be in a really awfull area:( ? i lost my job and have applied over and over telling the companys the truth that i have fibro etc, but nothings come up , so come november my year is up:( i know they can do a scheme that pays u something like 550 for a single person towards your rent but where on earth do u get the makeup money ??? i would go to ur townhall and speak with them maybe? xx

larissa profile image

Thanks twiglet !!!!

And poor you fairytails ! i could easily end up in the same position and its worrying me already ! i really hope you get help soon and please let me know how you get on x

I am exploring my options at the moment as me and my partner may be going our separate ways .

I dont care about paying all the money out but just want to know i will still have a house over my head when it runs out !!!!

We are in a similar situation. HB is now capped and a single person will only receive HB for a one roomed property . At the moment there are 3 of us living in a one bed bungalow . I'm disabled and my son is autistic.

The council told us yesterday that there is a 7 to 8 year waiting list for a two bed property ( we're in private rented at the moment ) and that the maximum they will pay is £600 . We live in Hampshire and we couldn't even rent a decent 2 bed flat for that . To house my son on his own, because he is under 35 he would be entitled to HB of just over £64 a week and would only be entitled to a room or bed sit , not a property of his own. With his sensory problems that would be impossible for him.

So we are pretty much stuck , I've asked for a social services assessment to see if that will help, but they are just so short of housing stock here I don't think it will make much difference.


Twiglet profile image

Hi again

tried to post a lnk but it wont let me, but if you go to


and search housing benifit in the search bar at the top it will give you a lot of the info you need and a link to see if you are eligble.



I hope this helps

Thank you for asking this question. I was referred by the CAB to the Housing Department as a vulnerable person. My situation is that I have applied for Mortgage Rescue Scheme and filled in a Homeless Application - this was months ago - they may not accept me as Homeless (as in their words I may have made myself intentionally homeless) - I still am in my flat and have fallen into arrears - If a Housing Association buys my property (at a lower market rate) then rent would be lower than the market rate - I did not realize the cap was £550. So this may mean that the Mortgage Rescue Scheme would not work. I am searching all avenues, and have thought about the situation of when I sell what will happen when the money inevitably runs out? I am so saddened and frightened about the situations of vulnerable people who are facing financial difficulties and losing the safety of their homes due to illness, there must be something out there.

Reflections, I was in the same position as you are now 25 years ago, I had a flat with a mortgage, separated from husband, DSS paid mortgage so if I wanted a council flat I had to make myself intentionally homeless however I consulted a lawyer who sorted it all out for me and I've never looked back.

You maybe eligible for housing benefit and council tax benefit, see a welfare rights officer to see what you can claim.

Hope this helps.

Softest and gentlest hugs to all



in reply to Aches_n_Pains_All_Over

Thank you for your reply, unfortunately housing benefit is only paying a third of my mortgage and I already receive council tax. I'm feeling I need to claim DLA and ESA Support rather than Work Capability - though that will not be enough to pay my mortgage - I really fear homelessness.

gizzmo profile image

I have to say honey in dec 2011 i went to brighton council to say our private rental was no longer suitable for my needs as f.m. causes probs getting up stairs,they took our household details doc's refs specialist confirmation and put us on council list,they also suggested applying for homemove scheme which should take 12wks to gather info and 8wks to asses you.so me and my husband did this on 6th dec.we didnt get to see a housing officer until march as he was ill,inbetween this we had received notice to quit from our landlady of 6yrs as she needed her house back for herself so we started looking for other rentals ourselves which threw up its own complications.basically we are now almost in july we have been put in emergency accomadation as we couldn't find suitable rental the council have not been helpful ,and they wouldn't help until the court had given our landlady her house back which caused so much stress i was extremely ill and still am,they have put us in a 1bed flat upstairs over the otherside of brighton so it causes probs to get our little one to school i can't sleep in the bed provided as the mattress is basically springs with a cover on so have been trying to sleep on the couch which isn't any good either and as for homemove we can't get hold of them and have been told by housing officer to forget them as even the staff at the council can't get hold of them ,weve had our local m.p. involved who hasn't had a reply from council as to why there not helping and now we're in limbo as to where well be put next ,the council have made us look like bad tenants as they wouldn't provide us with help and our landlady had to evict us reluctantly through court because of them ,we hadn't missed rent or wrecked her house ,I just couldn't cope with all the stairs,so now it's causing bother with new landlords taking us on as it looks like we're trouble.I'm not saying the same would happen to you but just a warning of what I am facing and even my doctor is powerless to help.my occupational therapist can't help as its emergency accomadation and even the head of adult social care who came to see us to try and sort out the council's mess has not managed to do anything.Hope this helps a bit and wish you better luck than we've had xxxx

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