I live in sheltered housing and will be 60 this year. I got my flat at 58 as I've got fibro. The heating in our flats are run on a communal heater and are storage heaters. The housing association have just put the heating part of the rent up from £8 odd to £22 odd. Now with me being on ESA I will have to find the extra money as housing benefit dosnt cover heating in the flat. At the moment I'm on £121 odd in the support group and it will be a squeeze to pay this. The big problem here is that I was only awarded the higher rate as I'd had an op on my foot, not for the fibro. I know that any time soon I will have to go for a medical and because my foot has healed I will not pass a medical for fibro ( I've gone through 2 tribunals and lost before)
So I will be knocked down again to £71 odd. How the hell can I pay this £23 + £5 I pay a week to eon for my other lekky. £28 out of £71 don't leave me enough for the rest of my bills and to live on. I should have been retiring this year but now the government have moved the goal posts so it will be 67 now when I retire. I just can't take this. I'm depressed and can't see any light at the end.
I can't even get a reduction on my fuel bill due to the fact that it's on a communal source. I also have to pay full tv licence while other people in the flats pay £ 7 per year cus they're on pension. Sorry to go on but I don't know what to do any more.