Have had splint made for right hand which is worse, am only taking natural medications, but stiffness only getting worse. Need these hands to work for another 15yrs, any help out there???
I have been diagnosed with osteoarthr... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in some digits of my hands with ulna drift appearing in both little fingers. Anyone else same?

Hi there, I hope you have had not too bad a Christmas I'm sorry, I don't have any experience of osteoarthritis in the hands, mine was/is in my shoulders, one of which I had replaced two years ago, actually nearly three, oh my goodness, how time flies. The replacement was a huge success, thank goodness as I was nearly at my wit's end !!
My advice would be to contact your doctor, maybe now is the time to turn to non natural medications which will probably be able to give you more relief. Your doctor could also refer you to an orthopaedic specialist who also will be able to give you some advice on how best to handle your symptoms.
I wish you the very best
Foggy x
Hi poddy_mazza.
I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I have osteoarthritis in my neck and spine but unfortunately I have never found any medications that really work for it. I hope that you can get the medication that you need and that its works for you.
Take care
Ken x
Thanks Ken, appreciate your reply. Seems osteoarthritis is everywhere and no positives on a cure or slow down of disease. Take care. Mazza
Hi poddy sorry to hear that I've got osteoarthritis in almost all joints at the mo am waiting for a knee replacement after a bad accident 20 years ago and coz of that I'm riddled with it I get it in my thumbs and fore fingers too it's very painful! I'm on morphine patches co codamol 8 a day and amytripyline at night to help me sleep and I'm still in pain I've tried numerous pain relief but nothing seems to touch it well I hope the splint work for you if not go back to your doctors they can give you something else to see if it help with the pain I hope this help you a little bit but I hate to say it oa only gets worse over time it spreads to most joints and I'm only 49! Paula x
Hey Paula, sorry to hear of your condition. Living with pain all the time is not good. I am lucky at the mo, as more discomfort, than pain, just have to be weary with not putting too much pressure on the bad fingers. The splint is to hopefully stop the little finger from drifting more, tho can't say it appears to be working. It is scary to think how things will progress as you say you are only 49 and I'm just in my early 50's. Hang in there Paula. Thanks for your reply. x Mazza
Greetings Poddy,
I am sorry this has happened to you. I too only take natural medication and would never go back to chemical, pharmaceutical medication for many reasons.
I also have osteoarthritis in my fingers as well as most of my other joints and the one treatment that I know works is heat. If you can try soaking your hands in some warm water a couple times a day. You can add essential oils and I sometimes use epsom salts in the water when stiffness is really bad. It really helps, and putting oils in the water helps to keep your hands soft as well. There are also heated gloves that operate using batteries. I have not used them as yet but I intend getting a pair as I cannot tolerate my hands getting cold (they do socks too). They can be found online.
I know others have advised you to take a non-natural approach but I really do feel that the side-effects you may suffer will be worse for you since you probably have not taken them for a long time. We know there are altenatives that have been in use for thousands of years and that this so-called modern medicine is relatively new in the bigger scale of things and has killed many people. My partner is currently doing a degree in herbal medicine and I will post any findings he or his colleagues come up with. He is currently looking at methods of pain relief.
I wish you well with whatever you decide and hope you get the relief you need.
Many blessings

Thankyou Sistabless. Yes natural medicine seems to be the best approach, tho I wish there was something that would slow down what suddenly seems to be a fast progressing disease is some of my digits. Pain is not too much of an issues as yet for me, which I am thankful for, but watching the deformity of my hands is scary I work as a cook and my hands are a vital part of me and my work. I have a wonderful son who is right into natural foods and therapies and has been very helpful for putting me onto natural herbs ect. I look forward to hearing from you again. Take care.
have you tried cbd balm iv kept buying it then someone in my family has a problem with their knees neck albows ect i gave them mine they use it and after the first time say the pain as gone iv used it on my shoulder twice and still no pain a week later family's costing me a bomb lol I think you can use the cbd balm if your on medication but ask your docters first hope this helps you.