feeling a little easier with pain
A nice hot cuppa : feeling a little... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
A nice hot cuppa

You can't beat a nice cup of tea... well unless it's a hot chocolate
Hope your pain lessens soon.
Pip xx
Hmmm pip I just had a mint aero drink which was lubbly jubbly
Sounds good
You and your chocolate pip ....
Methinks you need to go on a choccie detox, will go and book you into a clinic post haste
Foggy x
Oooh tea! Definitely
Hope you are feeling brighter now.
Tea yeah! just had one myself it was orange and lotus flower green tea really refreshing xxx
I'm like Pip though Hot Choc is good too xx
Glad you are feeling better Ros

I am partial to a latte, or in my house... a milk coffee xx
Have you tried the pumpkin latte its beeeaaaautiful
Sorry Pip............. yuk!
Don't put poison in tea or coffee......... that is milk or sugar
Its weird right I used to serve coffee in a department store cafe as an 18 - 20yr old and the posh stuff!! I found I couldn't drink it with milk in and haven't since, cannot now its makes me sick, tea is the same. It got to the point I was barely putting any in so I stopped I can smell sugar in tea its weird but I can and it makes me ill also
I am an oddbod!

Everyone has their own different tastes mine did after I quit smoking 4months and never looked back

I can smell sugar in tea/coffee too, which is handy when you forget whose is whose
I love milk. I could drink cream on its own given half a chance. I used to love the cream at the top of the bottles of milk we had delivered when I was little. I have semi-skimmed now... it's just not the same.
I know sugar is bad, but I just can't stop having that last one
I remember getting the milk off the step as a child and the birds would have pecked through the foil top for the cream. Also we used to get milk fresh from the cow back then sometimes too as a family friend worked on a farm you'd have loved the layer cream on that
I like cream on cakes and things but only a little and I only have milk on cereals and in hot choc and milkshakes............. I make my own milkshakes with fresh strawberries, semi-skimmed milk and creamy vanilla ice cream I've been known to add malibu or a good white rum in the past too at summer parties

I have bad memories of a night that includes Malibu. That was the last time I drank it funnily enough. I'm shuddering at the memory xx
aw! sorry pip its bacardi that did that to me now i'm shudderiing in unison

The only alcohol I have these days is a snowball at Christmas We bought the advocaat last week, so just need lemonade and lime cordial
Takes me back to my childhood, though it imagine I wasn't given much advocaat then
Oh I do like advocaat
I have beer as a treat now and again but depends on medications I have to be careful. I class real ale as food naughty I know but tasty
(For the purpose of other readers I do not substitute food with beer) xx

I can smell sugar in drinks too.
yeah its weird! I think I have a heightened sense of smell, do you?

I have completely lost mine sense of smell that is have you got it?
Has that naughty Zeb been nicking the sense of smell. You just never can tell about people can you xx
I have the smallest box to write in LOL
I turn my back for 45minutes and I'm nicking gins sense of smell, wow! well who's gonna catch me Boing! boing! crikey I'll bang my head the box is so small
Magic tash
Glad your feeling better, oh dear!! mine's a plain old yorkshire cuppa, nice and strong. lol xx
Me I'm a tetley teas girl
eeeh tetley make tea bags - make tea lol x
Now that's what I call a good ole cuppa you can't beat it refreshes the parts no other tea can reach lol
I would like to just say a resounding Wah for Yorkshire tea !! We would not be with hout dont you know!
Popped back to say Nite all! xxgins sleep well everyone
Night gins see you tomorrow xxxx