Im a nice person really.... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Im a nice person really....

KirstyK profile image
29 Replies

Im not sure if it's just me or not, does anyone else get really pissed off and annoyed at people who moan about the smallest of things, such as not getting a lie in?

It makes me really angry and I just think you should be bloody grateful thats the biggest thing you have to worry and moan about.

Does anyone else get this or is it just me being a grump?

Big gentle hugs xx

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KirstyK profile image
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29 Replies

Nope it's not just you.... But then people annoyed me before I got fibro and I was only 25 so I might have been a grumpy miserable child :)

Actually I exaggerate life in general doesn't bother me ... I am used to the things that are wrong with me ... But I do get annoyed with people who walk 3 abreast on the pavement at 0.5 mph then just stop dead when I am on my mobility scooter and I politely ask to get past and they give me the evil eye.... Then I give them my evil language...

So yes you are perfectly normal


in reply to

Scooter it! xxx

ladymoth profile image

I'm not a nice person at all! I'm grumpy, impatient and self-opinionated. Pretty normal, really!

I don't give nice (((gentle hugs))) If feeling really emotional I have been known to give (((cream cakes))) or (((loadsa money)))) 'cos it's much more practical.

I have my good points. When I think of them, I'll get back to you :)

Moffy x

in reply to ladymoth

Hmmm impatient,opinionated,grumpy.....sounds like someone I know,..........ME! ,what impossible ladies we are Moffy! Hee! Actually I think you are incredibly warm,kind,funny,forgiving and absolutely sincere xxx

ladymoth profile image
ladymoth in reply to

Heehee - I guess we're OK, Della - being impossible is fun! :D

Aisha profile image

Hello KirstyK, I agree with you 100%, it annoys me when people or friends moan about having a cold or sore throat and I usually say "well in a few wks it will be gone" but my pain is with me for life. Also when friends say that I look so well, I usually say don't judge a book by its cover, they just have no idea what we have to endure each and every day. Friends on FB moan about having to go to work or its Monday again! I usually put a comment like at least you have a job be thankful! So its not only you! Love Aisha.....x

KirstyK profile image

Aww you have made me feel so much better. Thank you! I'm 22 and only been diagnosed with fibro for just over a year but I get so annoyed when people are so ungrateful of what they have and moan about little things. It makes me sound like a right old grump and im the total opposite! Haha I love it! Good for you. Have to say I dont have a scooter but I do ask people to move when they do that especially with crutches and my mum has just had a knee op that went wrong so there's us 2 hop a longs lol

Big hugs Kirsty x

tulips123 profile image

I think sometimes people may seem tactless, but everyone needs a moan, even if it's just about the weather, broken a leg, or diagnosed with a life-long serious health issue. I figure if I listen to their moans, they can listen to mine! :) Tulip xx

KirstyK profile image

Thanks everyone, I feel normal now. Moffy you are lovely and very kind hearted. Made be feel so welcome on here thats definitely a good point. Aisha your answers are perfect! So true, people are so ungrateful for everything they have especially when they have ok health. I know everyone has a good moan I definitely come in that category but I find it irritating when its the same people moaning about the same little things. Id be laughing if all I had to moan about was not getting a lie in, as im sure we all would. I like your thinking Tulip maybe i should be more positive about it instead of having a moan myself about other people moaning.

Kirsty xx

wallflower_fairy profile image

Hi Kirsty,

You're blog reminded me of about 7 months ago, when I was in the sixth form and trying use the loo, in quite a bit of discomfort, naturally.

Two years 12s enter the room to do their make up or something, and start moaning about a whole number of things your hear teens moaning about.

What annoyed me, one of them said melo-dramatically, 'I HATE MY LIFE!' Why? Because she didn't have a boyfriend? :O She kept whining that she wanted one. Like a toddler. And there I was, awkwardly trying to pee and shaking, just in the cubicle next to them.

It's definitely not just you. But remember, because they may not be experiencing the same problems that problems that may seem trivial to people who have health issues, probably does genuinely seem big to them. They're people who don't know they're own fortune. Which in itself is a bit unfortunate. But a lot do grow out of it. :) I hope for their sake they've grown out of it!

Gentle (((hugs))) xxxxxx

wallflower_fairy profile image

because they've not experienced the type of problems that people with poor health suffer, they're problems, however trivial they seem to us, probably do, genuinely seem big to them. It's all relative.*

sorry for errors.

Misspain profile image
Misspain in reply to wallflower_fairy

I agree, until you know what we have to suffer, then trivial things like is hell to them. But I could do with a good lie in myself LOL

I'm a perfectionist and a total stress head at times making me somewhat difficult to live with or be around,some days I am terribly grumpy,we are all allowed off days they don't determine our true selves, Della xxx

Ginsing profile image

why is it your friends always target you as some one who will listen and give sympathy to moaning minnies who actually dont have anything to moan about. I listen patiently if I gave back as good as I get would they listen would they understand would they show the same empathy that I show them? Some times just sometimes I find this too much I would like to be asked how I am. but they would not understand the reply x :)

in reply to Ginsing

I agree


jillylin profile image

We hear you. And yes, I do get fed up.



Sandy247 profile image

I feel the same but I have discovered that in this life that those with real problems don't moan about them [ok, only occasionally] and some people are only happy when they are moaning. Luckily, we fibros are the former! Take care. Sx

Tannels profile image

Yes I can relate to that. 'Moan Mode' is like a muscle; the more it's used the stronger it becomes. With fibro, we have limited use of our muscles at times and have to preserve what we do have. so the occasional moan is acceptable.....x

yep I get that a lot too.

the best one is complaining about their job, endlessly... come on! I can't work but would give anything to be able to... I find it quite depressing.

Although I do agree with the occasional moan and respect that they don't know whats different to their norm.

I'm terribly grumpy about a lot of things myself and often think its pot calling kettle black coz I can be really bad when I'm not too well, which, sadly, is most of the time. LOL my poor hubby!

big hugs

x zeb x

happycroc profile image

Hi peeps... on the whole I am quite up beat and positive, however,,, I never never ask my mother how she is at the start of aconversation anymore,,, bles her she is 70 yrs old and i love her dearly, however, when i am down or in immense pain, i try to explain how i am feeling..... but i fall inot to it everytime she will take an hr telling me how bad she is.. and i go home feeling worse.... I am sick and tired of hearing,,,, " I am convinced the reason you are sick is because of all those tablets you are taking.... I am 70 and all I take is Paracetamol... " this from a lady who thinkls she is on deaths door..... or she will say well love there are people who are in a worse state than you.... All I really want to do is scream at her and be really horrible but she is my mumx

in reply to happycroc

Lol I am so glad I am not the only one with a mum who asks how you are and then if you say truthfully awful then she tells me how much worse she is... If I lie and say ok I then get moaned at for not visiting more....

Anyone got any ideas how to win ????

KirstyK profile image

Thanks everyone, im glad to see its not just me being a grump haha. Every single peraon has something in their life they could moan about, I dont have a problem with people having a good moan normally helps when we are feeling rubbish. Its when its over sully little things like not getting a lie in that I get irritated. I couldn't tell you the last time I had a long lie! Just wish people would appreciate what they have more and be considerate of what it is like to have bad health. Yeah I totally agree Zeb! It drives me nuts or complaining they cant get bladdered on a Saturday night cause thwy are working on the Sunday, I struggle going out to socialise and cant work. Tannels I have never thought of it as a muscle, definitely gave me a giggle. I know exactly what you mean happycroc, ypu have my sympathy! There's nothing worse, you wouldnt be on all the tablets unless you had to. Im on 28 tablets a day and every day I get ear ache about how many tablets Im on and the damage ita doing, wouldnt be better off without.... Blah blah blah. Sandy your totally right. It is people who aren't happy unless moaning that never shut up but people with major problems just struggle through. Gins i think it's because they either dont care about your reply and have no interest or they havent a clue. It amazes me how many people just dont care abou

Kirsty x

A lot in this world would do well to listen to the sense of the Dalai Lama...

“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

? Dalai Lama XIV

Love Gary x

lcm27 profile image

Why is it, that when we are crippled in pain, had 2hrs sleep, cant walk or talk,or heavens forbid try to think rationally, then someone comes up to us or rings and says 'how are you' I'm fine you hear yourself say, yes you look well they say. A little voice comes into your head and says, just for once tell the truth to these people and say I'm feeling totally rubbish, maxed out on painkillers, cant think straight etc. But we don't, on the whole we accept that life has dealt us a rubbish hand and we make the best of if. As you say, if they had something to properly moan about....... but this is life, and we are kind caring people, so I reckon we can moan about what we want, just lightheartedly unless its the DWP!!!!!

KirstyK profile image

Hi lcm27 I couldnt agree more!! You have summed it up perfectly. The automatic answer is normally "fine thanks" without even thinking about it which as you say couldn't be further from the truth. As for the DWP they just bring out the worst in everybody!! X

Malwimmy27 profile image

Believe me it's not just you. It is annoying. If hou try and explain to some people they seem to think you're making it up. If only!

Becky. Xx

KirstyK profile image

Hi Becky, soo true! There's nothing more annoying. "you look so healthy" "but you dont look like there's anything wrong" they havent a clue or just don't care.

Kirsty x

happycroc profile image

OMG... THATS SO TRUE.... last friday i had gon into Cheltenham. ...with my son.. i had both crutches, anyway cut a long story short. Bumped into a couple i had not seen i. Over ten months... the first thing they say how are u.. seeing i have my sitcks..... to which i did not hve ten months ago.. i was just about to talk about my pain.. when the women blurts out .. oh you are looking so well.. and you have lost weight... whe. In reality i felt like utter poop and i have put on Over a stone and a half.. Go figure ...xx

KirstyK profile image

Go you! Clearly you look fab. There's nothing more annoying when people dont give you a chance to answer or jump in and answer for you. The fact they didnt even notice you had crutches is soo annoying. Big hugs Kirsty xx

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