COACH LEAVES AT 11:00 AM SHARP - BE T... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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No squabbling over seats please ;)

No feeding fluffies chocolate :o know what happens ;)

If you get lost at any point you must chant 'weebles a wobble but they don't fall down' so I can magic tash you back to the group :D

Hope you have a pleasant day

and keep smiling all the way!!!

:) xxxzebxxx :)

86 Replies
haribo36 profile image

Lovely coach zeb,Iam definitely having a seat at the top.Dont wanna miss all the lovely views :) Is it o.k if I bring along some of my fluffies from the petting zoo?They will be a great distraction too from pain,fatigue etc...please please please :D

in reply to haribo36

Of course but be careful they like days out and to frolic ;) xx

Zosie profile image

I'm early! But thought I'd grab a good seat and check out our itinerary. I will start organising the tea cups in a we go, I'll line them up first and add a splash of milk to each one...fill the kettle up and pop it on. I've brought herbal teas too in case anyone prefers that...

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Zosie

Ooooo lovelyyyyy Zosie, could I possibly have a decaf skinny cappuccino tho, not wanting to be difficult or anything :D :D :D :D

Foggy x

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Actually Zosie, not wanting to be difficult of course ;-) :D could you make it with caffeine not decaf, think I need a boost ......or should that be boot....hhhmmm :D

Zosie profile image

Haribo, would you or the fluffies like some tea? Xx

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Zosie

Ooh yes please,caffeine free and soya milk for me with stevia sweetener.Sorry to be the fussy one! Plus milk for the fluffies :D

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to haribo36

Iam actually just having a real cuppa now so good timing zosie :)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to haribo36

Me and the fluffies are all booked to get our nails and eyelashes done at 12pm so we will have to get off the coach early and join you all later.I shall look like the queen of the ball later when we have our dinner and dance :D

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to haribo36

Mee too haribo, first of the day, always the best, but mines coffee :-) :-)

Zosie profile image

Wow, lady! You'll look fab! Anyone else got on the coach yet? I'm serving teas and coffees...let me know what you would like :)

in reply to Zosie

Hi zosie I wrote this on the other page thinking it was this one.......... confused already ;)

Could I have a decaf coffee with nothing please, well hot water naturally ;)

Lovely of you to bring the brews thankyou :D

:) xxxzebxxx :)

Zosie profile image

Opps, I answered to the other post!

in reply to Zosie

ditto :o

haribo36 profile image

The fluffies are so excited to be out for the day but I fear that they may get up to some mischievous :O I shall have to hide my bag full of curly wurlys from them :O

bluebell99 profile image

Hi Zosie

Have you got any instant hot chocolate, I've brought my own marshmallows. Just need to keep them safe as I wouldn't want to be dipping one of Zeb's fluffies in it.

Brrrr it's cold this morning, any chance of the driver starting up so we can get the bus nice and warm?

I've brought a big tin of "Heroes" to munch on the way, also a boombox to get into the mood for a bit of dancing. Any requests?

I'm so excited I can't sit still! Only an hour to go, hooray!

in reply to bluebell99

Morning Bluebell good to see you made it :) xxx

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to bluebell99

Morning bluebell glad you've made it :-) how very thoughtful of you about the fluffies and the hot chocolate, there was an incident quite a while back where they all turned a very odd colour having had hot choccy and marshmallows :D . Oh Hero's that so kind, just keep an eye in haribo, she has a thing about choccies, especially curly wurlys, so just be aware, she might sneak up and next thing you know you will be minus any Hero's at offence haribo, just know you of old :D :D:D

Foggy x

Zosie profile image

Morning Blubell, one hot chocolate coming up! In fact I might join you, it's so cold!

Driver, warm up the engine please!

Hmm, I think we need some serious driving tunes...the soundtrack to Drive would do me for now as its quite chilled...

Zosie profile image

Royal spec, we are in this post now :) hop on board!

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to Zosie

Hi guys im on this now

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Royalspec01

Phewwy, glad you hopped over just in time :-)

bluebell99 profile image

Putting it on as I speak. "Ticket to Ride", might be a good one, but I'm not playing "Road to Nowhere!"

Any other suitable titles?

Of course if we get bored there's always that old standby, ^the wheels on the bus go round and round" :)

in reply to bluebell99

Ticket to ride is cool with me boing boing :D LOL

haribo36 profile image

Now please do be careful so as to not squash the fluffies when you make your way down the coach,they are so excited that I can't stop them from jumping all over the place........can I borrow some of them marshmallows please to coax them to their seats :D

haribo36 profile image

Anyone got any thick wolly socks as my tootsies are freezing! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrcccccold! :D

in reply to haribo36



There you go H xxx

jillylin profile image

Am I late. Sorry!! I ran so fast I lost all my water from the bucket I need to wash the pod windows. I'll need to use the tea from Gins flask now. I borrowed a mobility scooter to get here. I don't know whose it was but it was a real souped up model and had pink and gold streams on the handlebars.

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to jillylin

Oh jillylin,that is a flash model! We must remember to return it back to its owner on the way home.Please mind the fluffies,they are awe fully excited to be going out today.I have brought along some of my own from my petting zoo and this is their first time out Iam afraid.I will have to keep my eye on them! :D

in reply to jillylin

Hi jilly glad you could make it :)

We'll use the magic tash Jilly then we have more time to have fun :D

:) xxxzebxxx :)

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to jillylin

Woweeee jilly now that's what I call a mobility scooter and pink and gold streams too, you would never know if but pink is my fav colour of all time, if I'm not wearing pink my friends get worried hehehehe :-)

jillylin profile image

Oh dear! I think that nice policeman peeking in the windows is looking for me. Can I hide under the fluffies please?

Hello..=) Police? Where? =)

in reply to

Just act normal Yikes or the police will think something's suspicious :O

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to

Hope you remembered the passport Yikes, if not we'll have to smuggle you about incognito :D just in case we cause a riot at any point (not like us at all ;-) ) we don't want you getting locked into the White Tower or anything like that :-)

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

(just saw this) that's very funny :D

haribo36 profile image

Here you go,quick! hide under these fluffies jillylin :O

in reply to haribo36

Did you hide her in time?

Are they following the coach?




jillylin profile image

Phew! That was close. I don't think I squashed any fluffs. I'll give them a nice pat as thanks. I need a curly whirly to recover and a strong ,strong drink. Has Gins got any apple juice?

in reply to jillylin

Urm :O I think she's asleep at the front.

zzzz jet lag..came in from the USA..first time to London..Coffee Please..=)

I need a minute to wake's 5am back home. =)

jillylin profile image

I just need to get my washing onto the line. I've rigged it up on the roof of the coach. I do hope my knickers don't get blown off as I am down to my last few pairs.

in reply to jillylin


in reply to jillylin

Hope the they're not too saucy :o ................ they might distract the driver ;) LOLOLOL

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to jillylin

That's prob half the reason why the police were after you, leaving a trail of knickers,............. Hahahaha ......get it ? ....... :D :D

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

its taken me 24 hours but yes I do get it :D :D :D

Zosie profile image

Yikes, here's a double shot latte for you ;) anyone else for a hot drink?

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Zosie

Meeee please......I must have missed whatever it was I asked for in the end, pretty please, oh, and any possibility of a bowl of water for the doglets ? :-) please

Zosie profile image
Zosie in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Of course, I've made you a chai latte, really yummy. Here's water or the doglets and I brought them some bones to chew on...

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Zosie

Oh molto molto grazzi, not had a chai latte before but sure it will be scrummy, Hang on......get you nose out of my drink darned doglet........Poppie thinks if I can eat or drink anything then so can she :o

Love the new piccie of Sue Zosie ........sweeeeeeeeeee

Zosie profile image

Jillylin, enough about your knickers!! Would you like a cuppa tea?

Hangs head out the window..decides to go up on top of the bus..

Someone's knickers are in my way...Oh all have suitcases..

I am in my dress already to go places today..what I am wearing will

have to do today..I'm traveling really light. =))

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Pheww, there I was meeting and greeting and almost missed the bus, can I have a part of the back seat please, so I can pop my bean baggy thing on it and lie down preferably not on the top deck though, the views would be fab, I'm frozen atm !

Oooo I'm so excited and I just can't hide it :D :-) :D tra la

Whoops, what is this ( looks into her capacious bag only to find two set of eyes looking out :o :o ). Oh my word, the doglets have snuck into my bag, I knew they weren't happy being left with a friend.......oh dear.........

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

heheheheheheh! they are fluffie security doglets so they are more than welcome..............

........................ as I suspect there maybe chaos later :O

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Sorry I forgot to say hi :)

Zosie profile image

Yay the doglets are here! I did think of smuggling Sue in my bag, but glad I didn't now!

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Zosie

The doglets would have been fine with Sue, my Hollyberry sorted out any cat issues they may have had, she used to curl up with Mr B...sweeeeee.....

Zosie profile image

Do you all like my tea lady frilly apron and cap? Fetching, huh? :)

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Zosie

Was just about to mention the mob cap, suits you down to the ground dear :-) :-)

jillylin profile image

Oh yes please Zosie. I'm glad the police didn't get my knickers. I didn't want anything taken down and used in evidence against me. They are rather racy. My best Union Jack Knickers :-)

jillylin profile image

Very fetching Zosie. But your skirt is tad too short. You will distract the driver. We'd rather he kept his eyes on the road. Mind you, it would be better if he kept them in his head.

Zosie profile image

Lol. Mine seem rather dull in comparison!

jillylin profile image

Your eyes or your knickers?

Zosie profile image
Zosie in reply to jillylin

My pants, they are only m and s and rather boring! Perhaps you could show me where in London I can get some saucy ones ;)

Zosie profile image

Oh help! I've been kidnapped by doubt the frilly apron tipped them over the edge ;) hee hee hee!

I have been spirited away but will try to find you in London Town!

Who can I pass the drink making over to? Someone like Haribo perhaps, so she is occupied and thus less likely to be able to eat all the curly wurleys!! Xxx

jillylin profile image

Yes, give the apron to Haribo...and the mob cap!!! She must look official, after all.

Are we going the right way. There seem to me lots of men driving cars wearing kilts. I mean the men are wearing kilts, not the cars. They have my knickers plastered all over them

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to jillylin

:D :D :D :D

~ thinks "interesting people on board" starts waking up...

We have gotta do something about that wash..bloomers flying

in the breeze - they are in the way of my dancing around..the music

is playing and the caffeine kicked in- up on the top waving to the people;;

dancing around - ready to see London! =) Hey everyone..=) HI..

bluebell99 profile image
bluebell99 in reply to

Who ate all the marshmallows? Those fluffies have a lot to answer for. Whoops, did I see a pair of knickers fly past the window? Must be my imagination... wow the knickers on the top of the bus look like union jack flags, how marvellous, we are travelling in style!

Now stop it you rowdy lot on the back seat, and I don't really think that doing a moon is acceptable, that last driver only just missed the lampposts. Girls, girls, attention please, pace yourselves or you will be asleep over your posh dinner tonight. I suggest you calm down and do some gentle reading or knitting or something. Did I hear someone say "who put her in charge?" You know it's all for your own good!!!!

Ginsing profile image

whooo let me in ( whizzes past on her broom stick the children in need they re after me splat custard is running down mt face lands on top of the coach open a fan light!!

in reply to Ginsing

aha! not asleep at the front of the bus ;)

heheheheh :D Hi gins

And ..there goes Jilylin's them hit the men in kilts heads..

is laughing..omg did you just see that??

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Have you woken up yet yikes? :)

jillylin profile image

Quick Gins, jump in quick. I'll throw this bucket of tea over you to wash off the custard. I'll use it tonight as I've just taken a crumble out of the oven

Ginsing profile image

I say open this fan light please !! my broom is withering they do you know!!

in reply to Ginsing

'twichyety twee'

there you go all like brand new :) I do like the magic tash :D

Are you ok there gins?

best get her a drink :o

haribo36 profile image

Iam back,Iam back! Unfortunately I won't be the queen of the dance floor now as my lady who does my nails has cancelled but at least I won't miss put on all the fun now,yippee! I've just changed into zosies tea lady's outfit,it's rather tight in some places,oh er :O now who's for a cuppa and curly wurly? :D

haribo36 profile image

Hmm,I think gins could do with a curly wurly.I have brought rather a lot with me,now let me see,10 for me and 1 for you gins............stuffs pockets with curly wurlys.Has anyone seen my fluffies?I can't find them anywhere,and I do believe that when I last saw them they were drawing sketches of the Crown Jewels! Not sure why though :O do hope that they are not up to no good :O

Someone tell me what we are looking at or where we are..Its my first time

in London...I see a bunch of houses..a few stores- a lot of old buildings..

and everybody duck unless you want the wires to chop your head off..

we are a double Decker bus...=)

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to

Look out for the Gherkin that's an interesting shaped building, when you see that you'll know we are nearly there :-)

bluebell99 profile image

I'm exhausted, just not used to all this noise and excitement. Could I have a cup of tea please Haribo, no I don't think stirring it with a curly wurly will make it taste better. Apron suits you, I have something a little like that back home in my special wardrobe, nod nod, wink wink. :)

Isn't it lovely Yikes is here, a truly international feel. Hope you brought a big bag for all the souvenirs!

Well, I've got my snuggle blanket, I'll hand over the boombox as I'm going to curl up and have a nap. I've used too many spoons already. Snore, snore.

haribo36 profile image

Oh dear bluebell,you can borrow some of my spoons if you want? You really should try a cuppa stirred with a curly wurly as it tastes delightful :D We must be almost there now peeps..........Stares out of window,I have no idea yikes of what there is as I don't come to London that much,well,hardly ever really but it looks very busy though.OMG,is that your knickers jillylin on the drivers window!? :D

haribo36 profile image

Well everyone seems to be snoring in unison! I knew we were going to have a sing a long but didn't think it would turn into a snore a long,hehe :D




Julie63 profile image
Julie63 in reply to

Had just woken in time to see this post zeb, been a long journey, stuck in a corner near the curley wurleys stash - got melted chocolate all over me! Lovely!! ;-)

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