Fibromyalgia Action UK

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37 Replies


Well here it is our next trip tomorrow and the coach leaves at 11am to get us to the Tower of London for 12:00 for

Picnic lunch is optional :D

The last Yeoman Warder tour starting at 14.30


The palaces are very old and have many uneven surfaces, for example cobbles, worn steps, uneven steps and slopes. Please choose footwear that is comfortable and appropriate for the conditions.

Prisoners - For nearly 900 years, traitors, kings, queens, saints and sinners have been held here against their will. Visit the towers where many prisoners were kept and explore their stories. :d Torture at the Tower

The ravens The guardians of the Tower ‘If the ravens leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall…’ -

Ghosts Is the Tower haunted? Ghost stories and legends from the Tower of London

Enjoy the spectacular display of the Crown Jewels, revealing these priceless treasures like never before.

There's much more that can be seen and things to do if you click the link below

We shall board our fluffie encased coach to the London Eye at 17:00

We are booked onto the EDF Energy London Eye & Bateaux London Symphony Dinner Cruise at 17:30 so that we can enjoy the beauty of London and the river lit up at night :D We enjoy a flight on the Eye before boarding the cruise

What's Included

Ticket for the London Eye for a birds eye view of London

4 course à la Carte dinner with coffee

Live Entertainment - Band and Singer

After dinner dancing

Hope you're up for it ladies and gents :D :p :D

:) xxxzebxxx :)

Don't worry I'll magic tash us into suitable attire hehehe!

37 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Thanks and thumbs up

Julie63 profile image

Wow, sounds great zeb!!


Julie xxx

Please thank Foggy for her research skills ..........please :D

she worked very hard in my absence.

:) xxxzebxxx :) boing boing! glad you like

;) :p :) :D

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to

Well done Foggy ;) xx

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to

No need at all for thanks...... Looking forward to it, let's hope the sun shines on us, actually it will definitely shine on us as it's virtual we can make sure of that :-) :-)

Ooooeeeee I'm so excited and I just can't hide it, as the song goes, (maybe it doesn't go that way at all, just silly foggy head with no brain ;-) )

Foggy x

chellshock profile image

Oh yay, when is this taking place?x

in reply to chellshock

Tomorrow hunny :) I've edited the post as I hadn't realised I'd missed that important piece of information off. Silly me :p

see you tomorrow

:) xxzebxxx :)

chellshock profile image
chellshock in reply to

Thought i wasnt reading ot properly hehe. Yep im up for that. Im sure i will be up by then as looking after my sisters cats ir a few days xx

nikk1975 profile image

whats this please am i reading it wrong lol xxx :)

in reply to nikk1975

This is the virtual day trip that is happening tomorrow where we enter the world of make believe and stretch our imaginations Nikk

It's an opportunity to distract ourselves from the pain and sadness that we feel and have some fun and giggles, plenty of silliness too usually so please join us if and when you can.

Laughter is a good medicine and also a good way to relax.

Hope to see you tomorrow

:) xxxzebxxx :)

nikk1975 profile image
nikk1975 in reply to

i should be able to tomorrow if not next time though i really want to see how it all goes :) how will i find you all as i am new to this :) xx

in reply to nikk1975

Hi There

There will be another post with this in the title in the morning


see you here for the bus at 11am :) xx

Will come along..My surgery is cancelled due to antibiotic therapy..

Can't wait to see and experience the trip with you..Count me in...

I live in the USA central time zone so it will be 4am that I join you..

I might be bringing some coffee along on our journey. =)) Thanks

for the invite. xxx Karen

bluebell99 profile image

I'm so excited I know I won't be able to sleep tonight!

Travel sweets? Check

Camera? Check

Binoculars? Check

Cushion to sit on? Check

Baby wipes? Check

Sparkly top for posh dinner? Check

Tiara so I won't feel out of place when I see the Crown Jewels? Check

Bird food for Ravens? Check

Dancing shoes? Check

Can anybody think of other important items to take?

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to bluebell99

What a good and organised list, just leave the bird food for the ravens behind, they don't like people feeding them :D There is a special beefeater whose job includes the feeding of the ravens, don't understand why though :o

Glad you are looking forward to it :-)

Foggy x,

Cookie72 profile image

You might need some tennas and spare underwear if is going up on that there on the eye, I would lol....Dee x

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Cookie72

Hehe,that's funny dee :D Iam really looking forward to it :)

in reply to Cookie72

chuckling at that Dee xxx

Zosie profile image

Morning Haribo, how are you doing today? Xx

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Zosie

Hi zosie,Iam a lot better than I was Yesturday.Spent all day in bed with stomached cramps,nausea and pain and even managed to get a bit of sleep which is amazing as I can never normally sleep in the day.Back pain is still bad but manageable.How are you?xxx

in reply to haribo36

Morning H you've found the itinery :D

that's good :D

How's you? xxxzebxxx :D

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Alot better than Yesturday,was in a lot of pain in my stomached and back :( stomached is better but back is still quite painful.Was suppose to have blood tests done this morning and a fasting blood test but had to cancel till next week now :( Are you ready for today's trip? Hope you have got your boing all charged up :D

in reply to haribo36

I had my blood taken for tests on Tuesday to check my ferretin, b12 etc

I'm lacking sleep but shall play when I am awake :D

I probably will fall asleep at some point boing boing!! :o

Zosie profile image
Zosie in reply to haribo36

Glad to hear you feel much better. Having a good or at least better day an really lift the spirits and give you hope.

I'm feeling better or the time off work and my new meds are really helping.

New picture of Sue added - and she's not wonky this time!

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Zosie

She's lovely zosie,how old is she?xxx

Zosie profile image

She's about 6 but we've only had her since June. We rescued her :)

Hey Zeb, hope that b12 comes back low and they can give you injections and fix the worsening fatigue. Xxx

in reply to Zosie

well I'm not sure what'll be the result but my ferretin levels are often way off meaning my body isn't storing haemoglobin properly, I hate iron tablets but especially when I'm not anaemic :o

Could I have decaf coffee with nothing please, well hot water naturally ;)

Lovely of you to bring the brews thankyou :D

:) xxxzebxxx :)

Zosie profile image

There you go, one decaf coffee in a special Zeb mug :)

My ferretin level was ok at 35 and my folate and b12 were fine, but my haemoglobin was 11.8 whereas the healthy range is 12 - 14. I know it's not far off, but I know if it was at 13 I'd feel loads better.

So I can have enough iron etc but not enough red blood cells. The doctor told me to take iron tablets but I can't see how that can help as my iron is fine...


in reply to Zosie

Ditto :o it sounds crazy to me too but if the doc says so I do it even if I don't like it :) I already take vitD3 for life and have vitD creams etc for psoriasis too so nothing surprises me anymore :D

Maybe we could do some looking up on-line to see whether we can find some answers.

Cheers for the cuppa its perfect xxx

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Iam hoping that my test results will show some deficit so I can say to my g.p look Iam ill and not fit and healthy like you think! Tut tut xxx

Royalspec01 profile image

Hi there how much are the tickets and do you organize this often

Zosie profile image
Zosie in reply to Royalspec01

Hey :) we are already on the coach, come and join us on the other post :) as its a virtual trip it's free...all you need to bring is your imagination xx

in reply to Zosie

Well said zosie I couldn't quite think of the words :o

in reply to Royalspec01

Hi there welcome and come aboard we don't leave until 11:00am and its virtual land nothing costs anything we barter with pretend drinks and snacks, or fluffies etc.

Purely make believe to distract us from the normal niggles and narks of our illnesses :D

We create our own entertainment and silliness.

Hope you come along :) xxxzebxxx :)

Royalspec01 profile image

Oh guys your fantastic lol I was so awe I wish I could come now I can well my faux fur coat and scarf Is on with my thermal everything I've got a video recorder so we all remember this together well if im going to get there, best start getting ready have to choose wheat to wear for the dinner

in reply to Royalspec01

ha ha! zebedee has a magic tash for sorting things like that Royalspec :)

Good to see you and welcome aboard. We're on the other post now !

:) xxxzebxxx :)



:) xxxzebxxx :)

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