Letter came this morning with date for my appeal - Oct 23rd! Can't believe the date has come so quickly - my original letter about the appeal said it would be in 33 to 38 weeks from May, when they sent their letter, due to backlog. I didn't expect the date to come before next year! I don't think I can prepare myself for it in time! I don't know where to go first! I've got the email from Emma at fibro action & will read through the attachments, will have to go to the library to print them off - damn printer needs a part from the company to work.
Also, I've been reading the posts on here from others about appeals hearings. If they don't take into consideration about anything that has happened or gotten worse since your ATOS interview, then I don't think they're going to change me to the support group - everything has gone downhill since then!
But I told them at ATOS how I couldn't sit for long, couldn't stand for long, couldn't use a computer for long, couldn't write much, couldn't hold a normal pen due to arthritis in fingers, (plus everywhere else), had problems socialising & could hardly walk, sleep, do housework - so why did they say my conditions could improve & that I had Limited Capacity for work?! (I got refused DLA because of their report as well!)
Am panicking & feeling sick about going through this - I just feel so sure that they are going to find against me.