i have seen on here someone told someone else what to right in a apeal as they were put in the work related group with e.s.a...........i have had to fone then and ask if i have a decision yet as im going away to see my family on sinday for 1 mnth...........they said im in the work related group....gods sake...they said i can apeal.ive already semnt all my leters from the pain clinic the specialist and the dr and the occupational therapist with the forms in the first palce........and still the work related group they put me in.....just cant believe it.....i need to know what to put in my appeal letter please. as i only have till sunday to post it.[ do i send all the letters again in it from gp and the others .........what do i right in it...........???????? me heads gone big time.......i am seeing my gp at half past 4 tnight.... thanx all
help. ive just got hrs ........... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
help. ive just got hrs ...........

ask cab to help you fill it in . Isent mine off and they have lost it x
they said mine hadnt arrived at first......c.a.b no use theve no apointments for mnths, i live in a city. and like i said im away on sunday it cant be canceled......just dont know what to do
hi, make sure you have all your medical info, letters, and you should have a letter off the bens office stateing why they have refused you . i replyed in point form through the list of their reason and why i disagreed with them. i also included with the letter that i was willing to have a medical.
hope this helps and also make sure your gp has everything up to date with all your health needs
hope this helps hun,
hugs poppy xx
ive just rang them again, i dont understand it all......he said that i can right again saying i dont agree with the decision and to state why i dont agree.thats were i have dificulty puting it in words.....he said i had enough points to pas the test but they think i can do work in a couple of yrs so i will be sent job center to find SOME work that i can i do cause my condition could get beter in the next couple of yrs.mad
ive had no leter at all from them
They are talking b*****it, I was in wrag group I wrote with all my letters an telling them what my conditions were like and what I couldn't do and what difficulties I have, like rosehip they said they had lost all my reconsideration stuff so I had to send it all off again, eventually the put me in the support group so keep on at them, fingers crossed for you Hilly xx
thanx i will post my leter with proof of posting. ive been the drs and she is going to do yet another letter bless her....i did send one with the forms in the first place and from everyone else...so i am now sending yet another from g.p. one from my carer and one from my daughter [ who incidently is a carer herself up in stoke.]....i just darnt ask anyone else again its just 2 wks they all did me the first leters.....do you think they will look at all my leters again ive already sent them with the forms .......??thanx julie..xxxxxxxxx
i was told by the panel that i may get better in the future too so i wouldnt worry and if they say you have enough points then it should be straight forward. can your husband write the words down for you or a friend. my husband writes what i dictate and also puts in what i cant remember as who knows you better?
and as long as you sign the form he is allowed to fill it in for you
i battled for 18mths and won and i have to use a wheelchair months before my appointment mind only just been awarded dla and my claim is up for renewal again so i may have to go through it all again!
hugs poppy xx
opoppy, i have got the dla a few mnths ago..then all this started....you cant have any peace to get on with it can you.......sorry but simon is my cousin, and a alcoholic a recovering one,,,his brain is haggled. if anything he would say the rong thing.........although he is my carer, but my daughter is moving down here in sept, from stoke on trent who will be my carer then....i dont have any freinds here at all...........i have wrote a leter now and simon is doing one on what i say...and my daughter also.....i think my gp said that at my age and its only got worse over the 27 yrs ive had it ..she is going put it in the leter and ive put that they havnt considerd the pain facter at all on mine.....lots and lots of huggs...xxxxxxxx
Just a tip ginge, I photo copy everything to do with my EsA or DlA all my letters from my GP or Rhumy ect so when they lost or didn't receive it I just had to put another lot in an envelope and not ask GP again. Good luck Hilly xx
thanx hilly , yes i do that to...ive had simon and my daughter also right me a lettter to send with mine...the brown envolope came bout a hr ago, saying that i can ask for the details and disagree with the ones i dont agree with..i havnt time to send for it and do it that way, im away on sunday...[ they didnt tell me that on the fone...] so ive ihad to go blind and right waht im guessing they disagree on....what a state me in this morn...awake all night im sure the m.e. kicked in, blinding head and so so tired...great start for sunday and seeing my family...think i be spending it in me daughters bed........hopefully mick wont be in it lol...[ son in law ] xxxxxxxx
always remember to fill the forms in with your very worst day in mind. I never knew that the first itme i applied and was rejected. never mind what you can do some days its what you cant do on a bad day. good luckhun butterfly hugz. petal