2nd attempt to write a blog. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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2nd attempt to write a blog.

anbuma profile image
15 Replies

here goes again.i was almost thru typing and I must have hit a key somehow and lost my blog.

I cant remember what ihad written.fibro fog!!

so I had my drs appt thinking I could finally sort the issues I have out.he said hello and i have your ct scan results.i said i know thats what i want to talk to you about they said sinuses were clear but nothing else-no follow up appt or anything. .my nose is still swollen and i still have the sores inside.that and the rash on my face are signs of lupus.not a chance!he actually like laughed at me.i said my neck was still a problem and he said I sorted that last time.(or words to that effect).I said you said it wasnt my glands but not what the lumps were.re my hand I said I couldn't do anything with it-he said it could be CTS and refer me to physio to get a splint.i know it is another symptom of lupus.

I said most of what I wanted to say to him but forgot to ask why he is saying I have IBS. when i don't have symtpoms.i am going to write one more letter to try and get thru to him exactly what the issues are and copy the evidence I have from others blogs (replies to mine)on here going thru the same as me and take it in tomorrow when i go for blood test.i am determined to sort things.I know I should listen to what Gins and VG and others say btu I intend to get them to listen to me and accept I am right.if i dont succeed this time then i will see another dr fro a second opinion and fresh eyes and ears.all i can hope for now is that I survive until

my op on august 15 and tehy will find out I do have a cyst/tumour.


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anbuma profile image
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15 Replies

I am actually worried about your post , you have had another scan a ct scan of your sinuses and it shows up clear but you still expected a follow up appt ....

Did your Gp look up your nose I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the thing with the light that they can use to look up your nose to see the sores inside ... They must be pretty visible if you can see them yourself....

Another worrying thing is you hope you survive until your op when they find your cyst / tumour.... What is they don't find one ... Are you going to worry they didnt look ... Just whipped out your gallbladder ... And then you will still be worrying ...and if they do say they looked and there wasnt anything will you believe them... And stop worrying ....

I appreciate you are determined to get your GP to accept that you have a cyst/ tumour. And lupus but if he is equally determined you don't this could run and run until you worry yourself to death...

Surely now you have your op date for your gallbladder this is the time to concentrate on getting that sorted and getting a GP who will listen to you and perhaps get you some anxiety councelling as this ongoing battle with your present GP is not good for you and is making you anxious

Best wishes with the gallbladder op

VG x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to

the consultant I saw did the camera up the nose and I was sedated while he did it and it was so painful I screamed out.i can see myself and feel the sores in my nose and there is swelling/bruising(black eyes).I neversaid anything about sinuses when i saw him just that my nose was swollen and had sores.they have spread too.i meant survive mentally.there is no other reason fro swollen abdomen being a solid mass ??and the reason for weight gain.if only you could see my stomach and how big it is-looking several months pregnant.it was only last Tuesday that a DR on "good morning" tv said that dr's still mistake OC for a bowel condition.if they don't find anything then Iwill have to accept it is not anything to be concerned about but I wont until I have had the op.

i will just say that when I saw the rheumy in November he never said he was testing for lupus and anyway the rash and nose probs appeared way after I saw him.and the drs I were seeing at the time never investigated fro gallstones so if I hadn't gone private no one would ever have discovered them .

ladymoth profile image

I can only second what VG has said. At some stage, if all the tests reveal nothing, you will need to accept that you do not have a tumour or Lupus.

It is possible to have diffuse symptoms of these diseases, but not actually have them at all.

Perhaps it would help you more if you tried to work out how to deal with your distressing symptoms, rather than worrying about the possibility of a sinister diagnosis.

I also wish you good luck with your gall-bladder operation - I expect you will be having a 'keyhole' procedure? The recovery time for this is quite quick - it used to be really major surgery, when a big incision had to be made!


Moffy x

anbuma profile image

hello moffy

at the moment it is scheduled fro keyhole surgery and I shall be out the same day that is unless they have any setbacks and it would mean an open op and staying in fro 5 days.my dogs are booked into kennels for the 2 days.i know that some diseases have similar symptoms btu it still leaves the question why do drs say it is not one thing but don't investigate anything else?teh dr I saw who referred me to cardiology did nothing more when it was found there was nothign wrong with my heart.at one time my original gp went down every avenue until he had a diagnosis.i just want an answer to why I have gained weight around my middle (gone from 32 " waist to 45". over the last 2 years approx.and lost weight elsewhere.i only base things on other peoples experiences.


Ginsing profile image

It is good luck from me as well with your operation. It is not far away now. I hope everything goes your way and you are happy with the results.

Take care


anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Ginsing

five weeks seems like forever but the way time goes so quickly I guess it will soon come round.my only concern is they wont do the op if I have nasal probs and a goiter /lumps in my neck.

in reply to anbuma

They did my OHs gallbladder and he has nasal problems and two incurable lung problems so I think your op will go along fine

VG x

anbuma profile image

thanks gins.i think im in need of a drink tonight which is kinda difficult as I don't drink and I only have baileys.

Cookie72 profile image

good luck with your op anbuma, hope all goes well, at least you \re getting it sorted. look on the positive side and all will go well...gentle hugs and good luck, we will all be thinking of you, just relax and enjoy the sunshine, those five weeks will go quicker than you think especially if you keep your mind occupied and busy .....gentle hugs Dee x

anbuma profile image

thanks \dee

the only thing keeping me going at the moment are my dogs. doctors are really p........me off cos no one is listening to me.i get told one thing one time and then another both of which I know I don't have and have never gone to drs with any symptoms of these conditions and the conditions I do have and which are physically visible are just dismissed-same as what blogs on here say and stuff in magazines and on tv say.

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Anabuma, I'm afraid there may be a diagnosis for your condition, one that no one would like, but I have to be true to myself and to you too, for your benefit, for no other reason. You seem to have got a diagnosis into your head and will not let it go, people like Moffy, who has a medical background and all the drs you have seen have given you assurance that there is nothing majorly wrong, yet you dismiss this, you choose to be more ill than anyone will understand. Having an operation with the intention of proving us all wrong is not a good way to approach anything, one's mind can play very big tricks with us, especially if we are feeling vulnerable, but to look for cancer is really not helping you, if you go in with that mind set it will be even more difficult to handle. I had problems some years back now, having had kidney stones, I thought that was the problem again, no, it wasn't, but when a gynea arrived and said you have a 14cm mass in your stomach and we must operate on Monday, (this was on the Friday) you can imagine the turmoil my mind went into. Anyway the mass was a benign cyst - thank God !! But there were other women on the ward I was on who were not so lucky and were facing life changing situations........it is NOT something you should yearn for, to prove others wrong. Please please listen to what medics and people with sound medical backgrounds are telling you and be reassured. If you keep on rebuffing people they will give up and then if you need real support they may not be there.

My final words on this are, think long and hard about what I have said, along with others. Hope for the very best outcome from your op, that it is a benign cyst, and stop wishing illness on yourself, because it can be a case of cause and effect. this is not meant in any way to hurt you, but as care and concern.

Foggy x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Fibrofoggiest

was you cyst discovered by a scan.i fnot how did you find out.i appreciate everyone care and concerns.when I wa s finally referred to ENT it wa scos my nose was swollen,sore and bleeding with sores inside.not just sinuses.yet only told sinuses were normal.tehr eis a new dr at the surgery should I se eher?for another opinion as some of you recommend?

anbuma profile image

hello Foggy

thank you for your reply.i know everyone here generally cares btu when I saw my DR on monday and said I wanted to talk about scan results,i was interrupted.i wanted to ask why they only checked sinuses,no answer to why my nose is swollen and painful to touch and to what is causing bleeding and to what sores are.

\take the adviceof others and there is a new dr atteh surgery should I see her for another opinion.fresh eyes and ears ??

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Im sorry I can't advise you on that anbuma, that is a decision only you can make. You have had plenty of advice and still you choose not to take it, another dr dragged in will only make you more confused i think. Sorry


anbuma profile image

its not always a case of not taking advice.some things are just not possible to do.

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