DWP to Re-Consult on PIP Mobility Dis... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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DWP to Re-Consult on PIP Mobility Distance

Lima6MCT profile image
20 Replies

There is to be a consultation on the change to the mobility distance from 50 to 20 metres. The consultation will be launched later this month & I would urge everyone who is likely to be affected by the change to 20m to take part & have their voices heard.

Wearespartacus.org.uk has more info.

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Lima6MCT profile image
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20 Replies
lia144 profile image

thats a positive response to peoples needs!

Artyrosie profile image

Heck, something at least! This was such a SNEAKY way to try and cut peoples entitlement .... just despicable. It was done with the stated aim of cutting 600,000 people out of the Benefit. Gggrrrrrrr.

in reply to Artyrosie

I would not expect anything else from the trash we have in government and the DWP. They both have blood on their hands and should be prosecuted.

Lynfran profile image

Typical of the Government, underhand and nasty. Goes to show as well that they definitely using these benefits changes to save money not to help the people DLA.

Lima6MCT profile image

When the original consultation on PIP was carried out there was no mention made of 20 metres even being considered as a distance. The DWP have been taken to task over it by several charities and, more importantly, by the Work & Pensions Select Committee.

I think it's a face saving gesture on the part of the DWP as I'm sure they already know what the overwhelming response is going to be. That said, the more of us who put in a response to the consultation the less leeway the DWP will have in saying that their choice of 20m is the appropriate distance to determine mobility.

NordicNavajo profile image
NordicNavajo in reply to Lima6MCT

Had a look at link but cant see where we can have our comments sent to govt consultation. Is there another link please?

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to NordicNavajo

The Consultation process hasn't started yet, it's due to begin at the end of this month. I'll post link as soon as I have it.

NordicNavajo profile image
NordicNavajo in reply to Lima6MCT

Fab I will look out for it .

secretldy profile image

sorry i'm confused, surely its a good thing??? if it is, why are people complaining?

in reply to secretldy


Why is this a good thing? DLA higher rate mobility is currently awarded if you cannot mobilise for 50 metres either at all or without pain or fatigue.

We were told the new PIP award would replace DLA with more or less the same rules in place, now we are told they want to lower the distance to 20 metres, which means it will be far more difficult to qualify and far fewer disabled people will get it.

So that's the problem. And what is worse is that this was not openly admitted to when the consultations on PIP we're taking place. Sneaky changing of the goal posts with only the aim of saving money. Not of helping those most in need.

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to

The 20 metre criteria is now in use for all PIP claimants - the trials were introduced in April this year.

If you submitted a DLA claim prior to10 Jun 13) then the 50m criteria will still be used.

The problem with the 20m is that never at any time was this mentioned as a possible criteria until the original Consultation was completed & legislation drafted. The whole process for PIP has been a cost cutting exercise why else could they say that the bill would be 20% cheaper before anyone had even applied for it!

They could have reformed DLA criteria but instead they changed the name of the benefit . What's in a name? By changing the name all previous court judgements that were made on behalf of claimants & set precedents have all gone with it.

lilyrose1968 profile image

this is the first time i've posted its always been 50 metres which i cant do anyway but to cut down 20 metres is very underhanded i would love to be free of pain and be working but at the moment i just cant

kazalice profile image

So we go for a medical again but if people still on the old DLA i can this be pulled from us even thro it runs out like next year.. if so. what about our human righ..t we are in alots of pain i suffer with fibromyalgia like others i just so fed with up this with all this.. In'it about people get there head out of there backside take a look at the real world

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to kazalice

PIP is currently for new claimants only, however, once your DLA award expires you will need to claim PIP.

Those in receipt of DLA "indefinitely" won't be asked to attend PIP medicals until after 2015 - that way it'll be the next Government's problem!

cuddley profile image


I thought even if we had another government in 2015, do they have to honour what's in place already .

C x

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to cuddley

They do, but I think whoever the buck is passed to will find they'll have their hands full when those who are currently on indefinite awards start being re-assessed. I reckon it's going to turn into a bit of a fiasco because too many changes to the welfare system are being brought in too quickly without considering they each will have on the others.

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to Lima6MCT

*without considering the impact they each will have on the others.

My biggest issue is that on good days with my FibroMyalgia I can walk a fair distance until I get a flare up from hell.Then I cant even stand never mind walk.

Agony beyond explanation for 24-36 hours untill complete rest and tramadol and paracetamol finally kicks in.On top of my type 1 diabetes and erratic BP its just a nightmare.

People look at me with discontent as if to say nothing wrong with this guy.

It hurts that I lost my beloved career and haven't worked for years.I'm too unreliable I explain I cant plan ahead.Who would in their right mind employ someone who cant promise to be fit for a days work just in case.I soon topped up the stage warnings in my last job when my FM flare-ups would keep me off my feet.

How do you explain this to the benefit system?


sylviajones profile image

this goverment as never cared about any one as far as i am concerned they are just lineing their pockets. alll they are out for is peers and being made into lords and sitting on their fat asses. and stuffinf their useless faces with food. and ass licking the royal family. we have children going hungry in this country, we have disabled who can,t get help or getting their money taken off them. and labour, and the conservatives are worst of all. both a waste of time. both got useless leaders.

jackie4ball profile image

I have had my medical 3 weeks ago and just got my award letter and it states " you can stand and then move using an aid or appliance more than 20 metres but no more than 50 metres" I was awarded 10 points for that but was given another 4 points for the planning and following a journey. But I may be able to stand but even that gives me pain as does every step I take have a new pain now in my big toe to join in with the hip and knee so even slower now.

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