Been a long day today i am in so much pain with all my joints walking anywhere is difficult wish i still had my mobility car but the department works and pensions think that its all in my head they took my dla away over a year i get so frustrated can't claim nothing not fit to go work never will be just wish there was a easy answer there to my problem the way things are going with my m.e fybromyalgia and now i have just learnt that my mri scan has shown i have bulging disc in my lower back which is so so painful i am going to need surgery possibly it is getting increasingly hard to cope with this on top of all the other horrible symptoms i already have. I don't know if anyone else feels like this but i get so angry that my body is letting me down i feel i let my daughter down because i can't do the normal things a mum can do. I wish there was a cure for this condition i would like to learn more about changing my diet to see if it would improve my m.e and fybromyalgia symptoms feeling desperate and alone.
not having another good day. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
not having another good day.

hi salanna, u are not alone we are all here for you fibro is a bummer and its a very debilitaing condition and we do know what you are going thru, and the pain can be horrendous, especially if you have other conditions like most of us have, so hang in there as you know the volunteers on here are ace anbd will always help u, take care gentle hugs coming your way ....Dee xx
Hi Salanna,
it seems to me that you really need to go along to your GP with a list of your problems, and demand some answers. You need to start from stage one, see a consultant, and appeal the DWP decision.
We know from experience that appeals are often successful, and it's very obvious that you deserve your benefits.
I understand that this is very difficult for you, but please don't give up - if we all demand our rights, there is more chance that everyone will get what they are entitled to.
Take control, then you will not feel so helpless and alone.
very best wishes.
Moffy x
As Moffy said go to your GP, then hopefully you'll be seen by a consultant. I feel frustrated and angry at times that I can't do some of the things I used to do before. I worry how much worse it's going to get. I have another25 years ubtil I can retire. I really hope I'll becable to stay in employment until then
I really feel for you as you are having such an awful time with your other conditions. I really hope that you get the help and support you need and deserve.
Gentle hugs. Becky xx
I ..would just like to say DONT NOT APPEAL. They have won who dont know what we are going through. I know its hard as I have had to do it too. I cant work as I have foggy thing and it seems to make me drift about so please appeal. We should all appeal.
Just think these people would not have a job if it was not for us and when you think about it our illness is making jobs unfair I think if they only knew what we are going through but you cannot see it and that is our one big problem.
Go to GP and try to get help
Good luck gentle hugs
I think if only they knew how we feel and what we have to go through and true because it can't be seen people should not think its a figment of our imagination its a very horrible conditon that does effect so much of your life. I am lucky got a very supportive husband steve he is my rock i know he is always going to be there and my daughter she has to do lots to help her mum i wish she did'nt. I will go back to g.p has i am still adjusting on higher dose of fluoxetine not sure if its helping yet but i will get some help sending gentle hugs back to you. salanna xx
Hi salanna Do hope u appeal and do it soon I think turning everyone down.I take Flupxetine just been put on it only low dose 20mg as seeing psych next week. Had a really bad May as taken off Duloxetine so I will prob hav this adjusted. First day yesterday that not cried cant believe it. Cried everyday for months. Keep smiling I am trying to. Sun helps Hugs
Hi Salanna,
You must go back to your GP and get them and your consultant to write a letter to support for an appeal. I won mine and I am not alone. It is difficult and drawn out but I think they do this with the intention of deterring genuine people like yourself from bothering. Its all to do with politics and showing the voter that they (the government) are saving the tax payer money. The people in power are healthy, well off and haven't got a clue about illness and genuine need. Go to the CAB or Welfare Rights and fight the bureaucracy with the same determination as you cope with your pain and illness and have your benefit reinstated.
I wish you the very best of luck and dont give up.
Nikki x