I've noticed that I tend to post to fora like this when I'm having a rotten time.Being a moaner is not me at all. I'm funny, caring and generous. And rarely mention fibro or any of the stuff which can slow me down on social media, as I think its a duty to use a platform like that to be either useful or entertaining.
So, here goes. I've had a really good couple of days. Not pain or fatigue free, but manageable. I caught up with some old friends, visited the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People training centre, achieved a fair amount at work, fitted my care work around that. I even managed to get some new clothes as I had been n "trouser poverty" for some time.. I managed a huge family shop all alone.
Now I'm lying on the bed, exhausted, while Albert enjoys a juicy bone next to me. There is a beer in the fridge.
OK, the house is filthy and, apart from my new trousers I have no clean clothes. And I'm going to spend all weekend cleaning, but RIGHT NOW is not so bad.
So when my flare kicks in some time next week I have this post to look back on. I forget about days like this when Ian, which is the name I give my Fibro, visits. Now I won't.