Does anyone fancy a serving of trouble. Lol
Trouble: Does anyone fancy a serving of... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Ahh how sweet x
You are so lucky to have someone give you such an expensive adorable kitten
They thought he would not survive. He may yet be a mini cat lol but he lived to terrorise me some breeders dump the runt if they can because it is a bad refleCtion on the litter they are trying to sell swines.
Stic a round this one is driving me to,distraction lol he loves water so water spray doesn't phase him hand claps you name it i tried them all he even growls in his sleep.......ghee was using teeth and claws on my arm the other day and in she desperation I flicked him on the nose he leapt back and I carried on using mobile
After a bout five min s I thought I would check why he was so quiet I lowered the phone and was met by two angry eyes flattened ears and a flying ball of fur he landed just under my chin on my chest and proceeded to to give me a series of blows on the nose that would have made Tyson look useless no claws thank goodness I cracked up laughing and he immediately became a ball of purring head butting love. .......

Brilliant h was going to have his retaliation what ever - did make me chuckle xgins
Ah yes blossom there is never a dull moment with cats and kittens!!
They certainly make a difference to our lives.
Bengee my five year old persian is chasing sun spots on my wall at the moment.
And Tiffany my 11 year old persian is trying to get the last bit of ice cream out of the bowl.
While Casper my 12 year old persian is looking on in disgust!!
Casper is the govnor by the way.
Bibi x
I adore my three cats like you said they become like children to us.
He's so cute, I have to love other people's cats as I'm allergic and they set off my asthma, I do love cats is so unfair. Sithy