Trouble at t'mill...: For those of you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Trouble at t'mill...

20 Replies

For those of you who haven't seen this evening's headlines, it seems Atos are keen to part ways with the DWP and have let it be known to the press in the hope of getting sacked from the contract of 'work capability assessments'. So, if like me, you are experiencing a delay in hearing the result of your assessment, don't hold your breath, as it looks like it might well be left to their successors to pick up the pieces. Snore! Xx

20 Replies
fenbadger profile image


Saw that. Seems there's a timing link to the protest. At risk of repeating myself the front line staff didn't make the rules but also didn't have to enforce them with such glee at times. That doesn't excuse the threats by a long way. I looked at this online and responded to the Beeb. 'nite Alex x

I couldn't agree more, having worked on the frontline of civil service I can say that no one in that position got paid enough to put up with the abuse that got hurled at us on a daily basis for doing our jobs. However, there were also a not insignificant proportion of jobsworths who took pleasure in chucking their weight around, which gave everyone else a bad name. Night Paul x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I've just heard this on the radio and agree that threats are not nice, but I am hoping that a company to replace it has more integrity and people management skills ! :o

Foggy x

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Agreed, my only fear is that knowing govt departments, they have a habit of making a scapegoat out of the companies that they outsource to, having tried to cut costs in the first place. What you then get is decent companies capable of doing the work needed, passing up the contract because it isn't worth the bad press...then you end up with someone worse than Atos :( ! Anyway, that's just my experience, I'm a cynical terror, it could be a wonderful change. Hope you are well Foggy xx

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to

Yes, initially it seems good that Atos are going but could be replaced by even worse such as G4S, Serco, Capita etc. The real problem lies with the DWP and the WCA. Until the WCA is scrapped and replaced with something humane nothing will change.

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Lipbalmaddict

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you can be today? I have been watching this on the news this evening. I have heard so many bad things about ATOS from people, but I would also like to add that this no way placates the threats of violence aimed at anyone undertaking their employment.

So many people have suffered greatly at the hands of ATOS, but two wrongs do not make a right!

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

in reply to TheAuthor

Hi Ken,

I fear I may be in for a terrible shock as it seems everyone's experience of Atos on here is very bad, and I've yet to be assessed for benefits. My personal experience of them over the years has been excellent, as my managers tried to sack me time and again for having a disability. Were it not for the reports prepared by the Atos doctors and nurses supporting me, and critising management, my situation would have been horrific. They actually fought for me way more than they needed to, as an outsourced occupational health department working for the Government.

I expected that at least a proportion of the benefits medical assessors would be trained in this way, and that the horror stories I read about on here were as a result of the behaviour of a small minority. But, the finality of the tone in Fenbadger, Foggy and now your thoughts on the subject have me worried. This Atos is clearly a very different beast :(


TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to

Hi Lipbalmaddict

I sincerely hope that you are as well as you possibly can be today? It sounds like you have seen the other side of ATOS and received what appears to be great support and personal help off them to stay in your job!

I sincerely hope that they afford you this again when you are next due to go through the process. I think it shows that ATOS are like everything in life, in that there is good and bad for all to see.

Take care my friend

Ken x

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to

Not everyone's experience of Atos is bad. Personally I didn't have a problem with them but I know too many people who have. You have to remember that they are under huge pressure to reach 'targets' even though this is denied by the DWP who call them 'expected norms' instead. The reality is the same. As in any job you will get some good and some bad. x

I returned my latest ESA50 last month...still waiting for the dreaded face to face.......when I last saw my advisor in december she said there was a bit of a back log, so does this mean I might get another couple of month's or so of peace and quiet? Oh how I hope so!!

fibro profile image

The problem is, if the government ass even more contracts to Capita, they are no better.

They have been using Capita now for many years, especially in the occupational health side. I know of one Educational Authority who had to part waves with capita and find different occupational health contractors. I was meant to make an official complaint to the GMC about one such occupational health doctor, but the experience of the whole issue left me so ill, mentally, that i never got around to making the complaint. They say you have five years to raise the complaint, but i am worried that as they will be doing the DLA /PIP Assessments for my area, could the complaint be held against me!

in reply to fibro

It most certainly shouldn't go against you, and if there is any whiff of a suggestion then it has, then legally you would have them by the short and curlies my friend. One would have thought that they would tread carefully where a complaint had already been made. You are quite right though, an example of outsourcing gone bad as well as Serco and Capita from the Government came a couple of years back with the court interpreters. We used regular, reliable and well qualified interpreters from our region who were literally a phonecall away if a prisoner was picked up with language difficulties. The government centralised services to a contractor. The contractor was unable to provide interpreters without 48 hours notice, and when they came, they were appalling or could only stay for an hour so the case would have to be adjourned anyway. I believe they advertised for a new contract, moonwalk wanted it because this firm now had a very public and shocking reputation having been over stretched and so we were told to ring our old, reliable interpreters to see if they would step in and help out. I'm pleased to say that they refused, as they felt so strongly about the way it had been done. I don't know what the position is now as I am no longer working, but I imagine medicals will go the same way.

I'm so sorry you had such a terrible experience, you should definitely try and go to the GMC if you think it wouldn't adversely affect your health xxx

in reply to

Autocorrect changed no one to moonwalk - incredible! Clearly a fan of Whacko Jacko!

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to

love it. My auto correct changes wellies - a perfectly good word to something else

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to fibro

Or it could go to G4S which is my greatest concern. They would be even worse than Atos, have no doubt.

fibro profile image
fibro in reply to Kirby

You may be right there. Only had dealings with Captia and Atos, but guess theses always worse out there!!

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to fibro

Let's hope that whoever gets the contract will be right up against it and closely monitored. People aren't going to put up with what they did with Atos so whoever it is will be under pressure and under the spotlight from campaigners, claimants, some MPs etc.

in reply to Kirby

They replaced G4S with Serco, I imagine going back to G4S for something would be the cheapest option! Eeek!

Kirby profile image
Kirby in reply to

Eeek, indeed!

fibro profile image

Oh poop i just lost what i was typing i hit the wrong part of the s reen!

Inguess i should make the complaint!

I loved the moonwalk bit, it made me smile :)

If these companies were any good they woukd be able to tell who is gennuine or not.

I fi d it so sad that people who have had so much taken away that some thave taken their own life

I did hit rock bottom last year and year before and dealing with capita really made me worse. I even agreeod to see a psychiatrist as they ade out i had a mental health problem. It turned out they were causing it! If they employed proper medical staff ( theyare meant to be!) they woukd be able to identify people who were gennuine.

I didnt realise that even that court interpreters had been contracted out.

I have never heard of anyone who works for Atos, but i have heard of many civil servants either being bullied out of their job or were paid off to leave when DWP shed all their staff, i think they only work out of the job centres now,

I feel very sorry for those who are left. They aren't all bad as i know some personally!

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