When I was small we never talked about the weather it was just there. Fine we would be out messing about on the farm - wet the same unless we baked. How simple life was! My Mum very rarely was anything but sunny unless she had a migraine bless her.
I find the begining of May is full of memories that over take me so I may not be about as much just the memories are powerful and I seem to need to pay creedance to them! So I may be here I may not but always I will think of you all. This year I am trying to go on a weeks holiday and that should make the time pass easily. Bonkers but I am going boating in Brittany - yes I am the captain - once I am aboard the boat things will be grand after all there is no where to walk just potter down a gentle river enjoying the birds.
I have been planning this foray for the last four months so it will be marvelous when every thing comes to fruition. Anchors away xgins oh I do have a Rheumy app next week
so I will let you know what he says! Be gentle on your selves!