I have been waiting since 14 December 2013 for an ESA medical and have been surviving on the basic £71 for 5 months now. I received the dreaded brown envelope yesterday in the post, I thought ah here is the date for the cross examination and medical but I was shocked,. surprised and could not believe what I was reading. The letter said they are putting me in the Support Group without a medical, no more sick notes to send in and this will be paid until May 2017... completely the opposite of what I expected after everything I have read or heard about ESA assessments over the months. I had to ask my daughter in law to read it to make sure I was reading it right. After 18 months I also have a tribunal date for my DLA tribunal which will be on 18 July, yes DLA its that long since I applied for it. I will send them a copy of the letter I received yesterday to let them know I am in the Support Group. It is such a blessed relief. Also some of you may remember my photos from when the transit van demolished the front of my house on 21 February well 4 months later and still no work has been done, I am depressed sitting in my dark lounge at night, I feel like they have stolen my light nights off me, I could sit in the kitchen but with fibro and arthritis its not possible to sit there for any length of time. Apparently the work will start in June.
Just wanted to update you all as although I read and comment on your posts I very rarely start a thread of my own. Sending love and hugs to you all. Sitting in the cool lounge today as my skin cannot take the heat any more..xxxxx Ang