Dr Marillyn Glenville Seminar - Fertility Network UK

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Dr Marillyn Glenville Seminar

2 Replies

I've not done an online seminar before, but as I can't make the Fertility Show ( fertilityshow.co.uk ) this year, thought I would give it a go. I think the concept is a good idea - I struggle to make evening events, so a webinar is a good mid-way ground, and perhaps something that others in this field might consider too.

Registering was easy, a couple of clicks and I was done, and I've been sent reminders with the link for joining. 1000 people joined - which I think was the limit, which is really good to see the interest.

Things I noted during the seminar include:

Diet is important for overall health and therefore fertility health. key vitamins: zinc, vit E & C , Selinium, B Vits incl Folic acid,essential fatty acids. Caffeine is an enemy, as is alcohol. Omega 3 fish oils are essential fatty acids - get that from poily fish incuding salmon, mackeral and anchovies.

Supplements, go for quality ones, use those that are organic based with citrates and ascorbates otherwas the absorbtion won't be complete. Capsules better than tablets. Zinc the most important element, Folic Acid and Vit C & E. Fertility multi vitamin easiest to take.

Lifestyle - stress impacts on fertility and also impacts on your emotions.

Environmental hazards - things that are in contact with your skin - think household cleaners, and chaps sitting down all day or exposed to heat.

Medical investigations - there are various tests that you could undertake to see more about your underlying health.

Sperm and Eggs take 12 weeks to mature, so any lifestyle changes need to be this long. Dr Glenville is promoting her 12-week programme marilynglenville.com/infert... that covers various screening and health improvements. Interesting, but not for me at this time. She also breifly rasied the issue of fertility taking over your life and being its own stress source.

I'm now having a slight panic as we're only 3 weeks away from treatment, but as I need to let that stress go, and we have a healthy diet, and we have made sure that it is balanced over the past few weeks, fingers crossed, we get the success that we are looking for.

FG x

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2 Replies

Thanks for sharing Flowergirl - it's much appreciated :)


If anyone else attended Marilyn G;enville's Webinar what did you think? You can also get in touch to suggest online chat speakers for the Infertility Network UK chatroom.

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