I had my first round of IVF before Xmas:10 days of Buserelin then added 12 days Gonal- F: 8 eggs retrieved , double transfer but failed. At 7 days of Gonal F my scan showed 15 follicles, they reduced to what we were expecting (7-10 based on AFC) by egg retrieval.
I’m now on my second round of IVF, nothing changed this cycle, other than longer down regulation due to clinic timings. I was on Buserelin 28 days before starting Gonal F. Had day 7 scan today and there are only 4 follicles. They said not to worry, and that some more might grow before next scan but not convinced since last time they decreased.
I’m now worried that my ovaries got over downregulated. Has any one had similar? Or have any advice?
AMH a year ago was 11, AFC 9.