Hello everyone! No other reason to write here than to vent. I just had an email back from my clinic, following an endometrial biopsy that there was insufficient endometrial tissue from sampling. This means I will have to repeat the biopsy and things will be pushed back again. We had our egg collection back in July last year and were fortunate enough to have had 7 embryos. My first transfer was postponed and it was a BFN, the second one was in October and even though it was a BFP it ended in a miscarriage at 6w. Jan double transfer turned out to be a BFN and since then we haven't had a transfer. I was recommended for hysteroscopy. diagnosed with ureaplasma and routine tests showed that I have ureaplasma. That cleared after antibiotics but pushed things by a month. After my hysteroscopy the biopsy results showed endometritis, so needed another round of antibiotics. That was another 6 weeks or so before I finished antibiotics and got to the right time during my cycle to get retested. I finally had a repeat test done two weeks ago and received an email from the clinic this morning saying that they haven't collected enough tissue and need me to come in for a repeat biopsy. My clinic is abroad and I won't be able to fly in this month. I just want to scream; I feel like the last transfer was a lifetime ago and time is passing by ..... It is so frustrating; what felt like a really fast-paced process at the start is now turning into a long-winded journey....
Feels like things are taking forever - Fertility Network UK
Feels like things are taking forever
I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. Is there any way you can have the biopsy done locally to avoid another delay? It might be worth checking with your clinic to see if they can recommend a facility near you. I know it feels like time is slipping away, but you’re showing incredible strength and determination.
Sending you lots of positive thoughts and hope for smoother days ahead. x
Hi Chrisianbaby, thank you so much for your reply. This is a very good suggestion; I did look into it, but by the time I go for a consultation and get local assessment and referral it might end up being a similar timeline. Also, our clinic will perform this at no charge this time which is also a factor. All in all, seems like we will be waiting again, but I do appreciate your thoughts a lot ❤️
Hope you have people around you for support at this stressful time Might be an idea to look for further support - take a look at our website fertilitynetworkuk.org Access to Support to find a group near you
Thinking of you