I am 8dpt and have been having symptoms like my period is about to start all day and last night too. Not just cramps but general feeling of tiredness and anxiety and feeling hot.
I googled to find other people with something similar. I found a post I had written six months ago on here which I had totally forgotten about.
This is exactly how I felt 6 months ago on our last unsuccessful transfer. I feel exactly the same now. It obviously hasn't worked, and it'll be our third unsuccessful euploid transfer, on top of one untested unsuccessful transfer and two natural miscarriages.
We have absolutely every single test under the sun and they have all come back clear. There is nothing left to test for. We've done blood NK tests, uterine NK, hysteroscopy, EMMA / ERA / ALICE, endometrial scratch, hycosy, thyroid, lots of other blood tests.
I read all these studies about how you have a 95% success rate with 3 euploid embryos. Why is it not working for us? What are we doing wrong?
I am just in total, total despair. The last six months since the last transfer have been hell. I just don't know that I can cope with another failure and with absolutely no explanation or way forward.
Has anyone else been in this situation and has any suggestions? What on earth do we do next?