Had my miscarriage follow up and FET planning meeting at ivf clinic yesterday, then spent the rest of the day at EPU because my hcg went up even though I passed the embryo tissue at the weekend. Being monitored and waiting for histology results on the tissue.
We will be going for FET of my first donor embryo in August or September as need to let my body heal and calm down and for pregnancy hormones to settle. We will do a fully medicated cycle for the first time. I’ve also been put on daily hydroxychloroquine from now onwards as new studies show it can help with recurrent miscarriage. I’m having a repeat hysteroscopy the cycle before under a new miscarriage consultant, also to include a scratch, and we will have clexane and intralipids and steroids included. She wants me to restart my acupuncture sessions and then increase them leading up to transfer.
The consultant suggested herself if these two good donor egg embryos fail then it will be time to consider surrogacy. I was relieved that she said it before I asked.
I’m taking a step back from forums and instagram etc as I need the break for my head to heal. I’ve had no time off work over this miscarriage and am feeling stressed and overwhelmed and now we have a plan in place I just need to try and relax. This miscarriage has been the hardest to take of them all.
I have counselling next week, a holiday to Ibiza at the end of June/start of July and a holiday to Corfu towards the end of July then we will get going.
There are a couple of exciting transfers going on so I will pop on to look for good news but I won’t be having my usual morning scroll or posting anything for now.
I wish everyone lots of luck xxxxx