Please I need help on How to increase... - Fertility Network UK

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Please I need help on How to increase implantation success

Titawine profile image
15 Replies

Hello everyone hope you're doing well,

I had my first ivf round in March, 8 eggs, 5 fertilized and 3 embryos day 3 with good quality it seems 8AA.

I did a fresh transfer but unfortunately I got a BFN, I didn't had my AF back until yesterday after taking progesterone for 10 days.

I want to know what I can do to improve implantation before doing a frozen transfer. I can't do ERA right now, the last transfer I had baby aspirin and two gestel a day and PIO injection every 3 days and I was on antibiotics before, during and after transfer.

I will do hysteroscopy this cycle , my doctor doesn't seem to know why the implantation failed, my blood work was fine , my endometrial was at 12 mm the day of the transfer.

Is there any blood work I should do ? I don't know to detect infection or antibodies.

My husband does not have any problems, I used to have AMH at 6.9 and that's how I was diagnosed PCOS , but a year later and just before IVF it drops to 2.9 , I'm 32 and I did last year a surgery to do a chocolate cyst ponction.

You know my doctor sometimes tells me that this is God work , that we can't control everything, but I can't accept that I'm a software engineer, my work push me to analyze everything and do the best to manage risk and avoid failed process and always lean from mistakes and not make them again . It's hard for me to continue doing transfer without knowing what is wrong with me and why it doesn't work 😞

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Titawine profile image
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15 Replies
Titawine profile image

I hope if someone had any tips to share with me , any kind of help will be so appreciated 💓

Marisa32 profile image

Hi, not for nothing but if my doctors told me "it's God's work" I would probably run the other way. It maybe worth knowing if your embryos are genetically normal. Especially if these other 2 won't stick. I hope they do! At least you could eliminate one possible issue. If they come back normal but not sticking after multiple tries, other things have to be investigated. Also check your thyroid and make sure your TSH is below 2 or even closer to 1 etc. Good luck!

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Marisa32

Forgot to add the DNA fragmentation test for the sperm. If you haven't already. You want to be sure sperm is all good before going further.

Titawine profile image
Titawine in reply to Marisa32

Thank you , unfortunately the genetic testing is not available in my country, I don't know if they can send this to Spain be ause it's the nearest country to mine , for the TSH I just had the test and it's 1.5 , we already did the DNA fragmentation and it came back normal

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Titawine

Ahh, I see. Yeah if PGS testing of embryos is out, it's impossible to know if embryos that go in are normal. Hopefully the 2 you have left will work out, if not - maybe worth going to a different country where more tests can be done prior to transferring. If you only tried once, I think you still have a good chance of one of the other ones to stick. Good luck.

Sarahfres profile image

Check thyroid levels also take progesterone pessaries in the tww.

Titawine profile image
Titawine in reply to Sarahfres

Already done TSH at 1.5 and I used progesterone pessaries two every day one in the morning and the other in the evening plus PIO

courage2021 profile image

maybe accupunture can support you before and after transer old wives tale is to eat macdonalds fries after transer . I did and it worked I'm 13 weeks today .

lots of water, rest and prayers .

Titawine profile image
Titawine in reply to courage2021

I did eat Macdonald fries after transfer , please what day before and after transfer did you had acupuncture?

Snurf profile image

I could have written your post. Fresh transfer done on 28th April. AF started on 8th May, 1 day before OTD. Our issue is male factor, low morphology and motility so had ICSI. My consultant follow up is tomorrow so will come back on here and let you know but absolutely feeling baffled as to why our great chance blastocyst 1 didn’t stick. The only thing I can think is that my egg transfer was awful, 27 collected and the recovery genuinely took 8 days so I suspect I wasn’t actually fit and well enough at the point of the fresh transfer

Titawine profile image
Titawine in reply to Snurf

So sorry, yes they told me that frozen transfer is better be ause stimulation treatment can mess up your hormones levels (it happens to me my AF was delayed by more than 40 days ) I hope this time it will be successful

ChloeDE profile image

You could also try an endometrial scratch to help with implantation. They could time it at the same time as your hysteroscopy. There's also glue but I heard it works better with fresh transfers.

FluffyPink profile image

Hi there, I’m so sorry this happened to you.

I got tested for Natural Killer Cells by doing an endometrial biopsy and mine were at a very high level (it’s an immune test). My acupuncturist/ Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner prescribed mesima mushroom capsules (6 daily) based on the results and my scores came back down to normal limits after several months. Some fertility doctors are trained in using the mushrooms also (those who have a keen interest in immune issues). There is no firm consensus on how to treat immune issues, so it can be stressful for those of us who have them! I wonder if you’d consider changing clinic as I’m not sure they are searching for all the answers for you.

I’m now pregnant for the first time and am having intralipid drips every 2-4 weeks. As I have rheumatoid arthritis I’m also on Hydroxychloroquine as doctors could not prescribe steroids at the start of Covid.

I had my first intralipid drip half an hour before FET, although some people have them about a week before transfer. This is an experimental/ controversial area of fertility treatment but for some people using intralipids helps them to maintain a pregnancy (it’s just a nourishing soya bean solution so is low risk). The biopsy for NK Cells is same procedure as the ERA as far as I know, so you could ask to have both done at same time when you are able to get the ERA done. The sample for NK cells is sent to a lab in Chicago, USA.

Until you have your ERA, however, you won’t know if the embryos are being transferred at the correct time for your body. I would agree that PGS testing might be helpful too so you might consider a different clinic abroad. I had two lovely 5AA embryos that both failed completely on PGS testing (due to poor egg quality I think). In my case this was down to my age, but you are a lot younger than me. I know this is a really difficult journey but you are taking scientific, logical approach so you will crack this! xx

courage2021 profile image

I had accupunture for 3 months prior . thr 1 day before transfer and day of transfer

muststayhopeful profile image

My clinic suggested pro biotics. So I have kombucha and kefir daily, and have done for 6 months. On both of my last transfers I’ve had implantation. Probably a coincidence! But apparently they help with good vaginal and gut biome. X

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