I wonder if any of you used Granocyte earlier. If so, how did it help with conceiving?
Any experience with Granocyte? - Fertility Network UK
Any experience with Granocyte?

Hi Gabriel. Thought to work on the immune system, but I have had no experience if it. Best to see what your specialist thinks. Good luck. Diane
I’m on a Granocyte protocol to help over come repeated miscarriage, I injected it after transfer.
I pray that it will help you. Did you have any side effects?
It’s been added to my protocol for my last three transfers, side effects….just a little soreness at injection sites but nothing notable, it’s so hard to say as I’m on such a cocktail of drugs! I got one shot after my transfer, then every other day and then once a week as the pregnancy continued. If I’m honest…my knowledge about it, isn’t great, our clinic said it’s only scripted in special cases, it’s very expensive but easier than some other drugs. I think it has shown success, as the two most recent pregnancies progressed better than without it.
I’ve a FET this week, praying this is our time, it’s been a very tough, long and heartbreaking journey for us.