Hello, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light of their experience using DHEA please. I’ve had two failed cycles of IUI, then had my AMH done and discovered it was very low at 2.1 (I’m 34yrs). Previous to starting treatment (12 months ago) I found out my FSH was 10.1. As this was high I started making changes in the hope to help my fertility (diet/chemical free products, regular acupuncture etc), but only recently discovered how bad things were with my AMH. I was initially told by my NHS consultant I couldn’t continue treatment with my eggs (we were both devastated). However have been given the chance that if I have my FSH levels taken again and if it’s 10 or below I can have two attempts at IVF.
I’m desperate to try and help my fertility in any which way I can and was recommend by another consultant (at a private clinic) to try for 3 months 25g x 3 daily of micronised DHEA. I had planned to do this before retesting my FSH. However I started two weeks ago on two 25g a day (morning and evening). After three days I felt awful, upset tummy every day and just felling crappy so reduced to one 25g tablet in an evening. Daily stomach upsets have gone but my skin is terrible, spots getting worse each day (face,neck,chest) which is making me miserable and my mood isn’t great which I feel is the drugs. I’ve decided to up to 2 x 25g again today to try get as much in me as possible.
Just wondered if anyone has used micronised DHEA for a short term and seen the benefit? And whether the side effect of bad spots improves or not until you stop taking them? And the moods? I’ve read lots on side effects and want to grin and bare it for as long as I can, but very uncertain I’ll manage 3 months of this. I’d appreciate anyone’s experiences and thoughts very much, thank you.