Hello Everyone, hope you are all doing well and keeping strong. Sorry in advance for the long message! just i am the worlds biggest worrier and really tested having to make more decisions! so looking for some help........
I have written on here before, those who have followed my previous posts, will know that we have been through quite a lot during the last Year! 🙃😪Anyways....Hoping and praying this next year will bring us some joy! 🥰🙏
Really just wanting some advise on PGT testing. Never had this done before. But we had a consultation with a consultant 2 wks ago, following 2nd Failed implantation, and he has suggested that due to my history( endo!) and my husbands complications(only some of his sperm being ok quality to use - We had to have ICSI) that we maybe go for PGT-A testing of the embryos, as they are wondering if there is something not quite right genetically with the embryos they are putting back inside me, as they don't seem to keep growing once they are transferred?!
It's just SUCH alot of money and worried as, is it the embryo? or is it me who needs to get more tests done? (i have looked into going to see Professor Jan Brosens, however the consultant at the fertility clinic feels that we should try the PGT testing done over against this, as its a common problem with failed implantation is because of the Embryo)
The consultant has said that as far as they can tell from all the scans i have had, that my endo doesn't appear to have come back since my surgery (but obviously cant be 100% sure)
I just am so confused what to do though as I have ALOT to be thankful for as i still have 9 frozen (3x A, 3x B & 3x C)Embryos and they always say when they have transferred them that they look 'Perfect' and already hatching before they put them back into me! so is it the embryos??!! I'm just worried its me and i maybe have infection etc inside and dont realize it!
But really just looking for someone who has had experience with either of the mentioned things above!! Anyways - so sorry for the long message!!
Look forward to hearing some views/Experiences.....thanks in advance. xx🤗