Hello lovely community,
I may be jumping the gun here and i’m open to be told i’m being ridiculous!
I’m 33, have a very high AMH, short luteal phase of 5 days and some signs of PCOS (High follicle count, slightly raised testosterone but normal LH/FSH balance and i ovulate on my own)
The nurse i met with last week was confident we should qualify for NHS funding in my area but also suggested my PCO(S) was linked to inflammation and scared me a bit when she told me PCOS patients have more issues with implantation and miscarriage.
There is a waiting time of about 3 or 4 months until I will have a meeting to find out if the funding application is successful. In the meantime I am on no fertility medication and i’m aware chances of conception on my natural cycle with a 5 day luteal phase are very low.
Being impatient I was therefore wondering if a proactive thing to do ahead of IVF would be to look into any further testing that may be beneficial, so that my journey when transferring embryos is more successful (if i’m lucky enough to make some good ones).
I’m aware of the ERA test to identify the optimal time of transfer, as well as the Alice and Emma tests. I’m also aware of NK cell testing which may be relevant to me given potentially high levels of inflammation. However, i know these are usually offered to women with recurrent failures and there is some controversy regarding their efficacy.
I was wondering if anybody with experience of these tests would recommend doing them as a “no regrets” options ahead of IVF, or if i’m being ridiculous and impatient, as of course i’ve never seen how my body reacts to an embryo transfer yet so i’m naturally not in the groups of women who have suffered recurrent implantation failure.
Thank you for any advice on this. I realise i’m over worrying and trying to control the unknowns, so do hope this doesn’t offend those who are going through failures and truly need further testing x