I’m a 34-year-old woman with PCOS and my husband has reduced fertility. We started our first ICSI-cycle at the start of 2023, which yielded 7 embryos. The initial fresh transfer resulted in an ectopic pregnancy and the 6 subsequent FETs failed.
I’m overall healthy; I have an active lifestyle, diverse diet and a normal BMI. I don’t have any severe symptoms during IVF-cycles and my endometrial lining is optimal every time. Last cycle, I did get a ‘unfavourable’ vaginal microbiome test, but the result is not considered reliable for my ethnicity (south Asian).
Our initial cautious optimism is gone, so now we are considering our options (both at home and abroad).
· ERA to see if my implantation window is different than usual. That would have to been done abroad, since this is not available here.
· Work on my vaginal microbiome with probiotics to increase its Lactobacillus population.
· Start a new cycle at home and hope for success with the next fresh transfer.
· Transfer 2 PGT-A tested embryos in an overseas clinic.
o Since our ‘home’-clinic does not offer PGT (they consider it unreliable), we have gone in the meantime to a private clinic to check it. This resulted in 9 embryos; of which at least 5 were PGT-A normal.
If someone has had similar experiences with recurrent failures or has suggestions, I would be very happy to hear them. My husband is supportive, since we are happy together and children would be a bonus, but I frequently feel heartbroken and desperate.