We had a day 3 fresh transfer of 3 embryos using own eggs yesterday. My clinic is doing the hcg test on day 12 (5th Oct). We'd like to prepare ourselves in case of disappointment especially as we have to travel to London from south Wales for the test. Would testing on day 11 give an accurate result?I'm also hoping some of you may have some positive experiences to share of your own similar journeys please. It's our 4th round of ICSI and I'm nearly 41 so I think we'd probably only do one more round before moving on to adoption. I'm feeling hopeful because we've done lots of different things this round but, because of recurrent implantation failures, I don't want to get my hopes up too much only to fall into despair afterwards. The disappointment of the constant negative pregnancy test is incredibly painful and upsetting 😔
When to test and hope needed - Fertility Network UK
When to test and hope needed

Hey, not sure about testing day because your embryos were day 3 so I would probably wait until day 12.
but what I could say is maybe test in Wales without driving to London? Even on day 12.. good luck I hope it goes well for you x
I had 5 OE rounds with recurring implantation failure and I tended to wait until the otd, but I didn't have to do a long journey. I am not sure how I would feel about that drive so would be tempted to test before. We moved onto donor eggs and the only time I have tested positive the strip was very dark in colour that I am sure if I had tested the day before it would also have been positive. Good luck with your results! Fingers crossed this is your one!
Testing on day 11 would be okay. It might be super accurate but it can satisfy your curiosity. Sorry to learn about what you've been through. I hope this one is your miracle baby this time.

Hi. Before blastocyst transfers, we did lots of Day 3 transfers that were successful, as we didn’t have the expertise to grow them on further. Just keep up with prescribed medication and test on the day you were advised to. Good luck. Diane