Sharing on here as i’m feeling inconsolable and so angry with myself about a decision i made.
This month i was being treated with a medicated cycle which included progesterone cyclogest pessaries to support my luteal phase (which without them ends at just 5-7 days).
At 12DPO i had a negative test then had a bit of bright red spotting. I assumed it was my period coming and stopped the pessary that evening and the following morning. I had been so depressed and anxious about pregnancy that i couldn’t entertain the thought it would be anything to do with implantation / pregnancy
On 13DPO i then got a faint positive test and was over the moon! I started taking the pessaries again that afternoon.
Sadly by 14DPO the line was fading and it was clear it was a chemical pregnancy. I was devastated and can’t help but think i have myself to blame.
Obviously i’ve learnt my lesson and will keep on the medication in the future.
My husband is trying to reassure me and say that early loss is normal and could have been due to chromosomal abnormalities too. However, i can’t help but look back and know i could have done things differently and think i’d have my dream baby if i hadn’t been so foolish.
Has anyone experienced anything vaguely similar? Or can offer any words of advice? xxx