Hi all my lovely friends!
We've bit the bullet and decided to go for a 3rd egg collection and leave my little 2bb in the freezer! Feeling slightly mad for trying again and that I'm kidding myself but also going into it with hope and a wish! 42 is just around the corner so want my eggs harvested now.
Baseline scan showed 7 follicles, same as last time over a year ago so I'm happy there hasn't been a big drop. Stims starts tonight! 🙈🤪🤯
Protocol has been adapted this time with alternate doses of gonal f each day, increase in steroids and the addition of luveris.
I've read it can help with egg quality but no idea if that's true. Has anyone else added luveris, did it help? Change things? I haven't had a chance to talk to my consultant about why he's added it but will next week.
Funny enough he had it on my protocol for my last collection but decided against using it due to blood results.
I've also asked for era Emma Alice to be performed during collection in case those results are needed for an fet down the line - if I'm lucky enough to have any frosties.
Oh please wish me luck! I am going to need it! Sadly my gran passed away in December but she left me a little money and that's part-funding this cycle - hoping granny belle brings me even more luck, thank you granny ❤️ x!
Wishing you all the most luck and hope you're hanging in there!
Joey x