Hi all. I'm about to start my 7th round of IVF, my 3rd with donor eggs. I have one frozen embryo left. 2 cycles I had nothing to transfer, I've had 4 failed to implant and also a mc from a natural conception. My clinic has tried prednisolone, tacrolimus, IVIG as well as clexane and aspirin. They now want to try a granocyte protocol which seems to be injections of a growing stimulant every 3 day. I have a meeting with them in a few weeks to discuss but the information they've sent me seems to indicate some severe side effects. I'll obviously discuss this with them in detail but wondered if anyone has any experience of this or has even heard of it? Thanks
Granocyte protocol- any experience? - Fertility Network UK
Granocyte protocol- any experience?

I know about this protocol it was recommended to me after 3 chemical pregnancies but when I transferred the last embryos my doctor resigned and my case been taken over by another doctor who decided to put me on steroids rather than granocyte. First doctor told me that they are prescribing it only in very special cases, is not routinely prescribed. I looked for more info online and also I emailed one doctor in USA (Harvard educated) and she told me that is 50-50 changes, it can work really well or it can destroy your embryo. I panicked a bit but I decided to go ahead, probably dear Lord had different plans for me. We been successful without using granocyte. Discuss with your doctor and follow their advice. Good luck 🤞.
My last transfer we did 2 x IVIG before transfer, plus Neupogen (which is the same thing I think). Also all the other stuff. I don't have any side effects. It was successful so far (only 5 weeks so far). Are you KIR AA or maybe look into getting that test done? xx
Thanks both. This is really helpful and reassuring to know others have heard of it, there's not much out there on it. I'm not sure about KIR AA, I will ask. I had a biopsy done earlier in the year and know I have too few NK cells and and increase of TH1, 2 and 17. I have 3 embryos left in my package ( though only one actually in the freezer) so I think it's probably worth a shot. Thanks.
I’m on granocyte protocol, we have a KIR AA mismatch which meant them looking for a specific egg donor so my body would accept it better, sorry if I haven’t explained this correctly. Clinic said it’s a special drug, may help with cases of repeated MCs. I had an injection of it after the transfer and still taking it as per my plan. Im on asprin, Clexane, prednisone too. For me it’s been positive transfer, I’m 6 weeks 5 days pregnant and praying everything works out for us!
Good luck with the treatment and if you have any questions please ask, hope this reply offers u and others some comfort and hope!