Implantation failed FET 2nd round IVF... - Fertility Network UK

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Implantation failed FET 2nd round IVF with NHS

Midsummer_daydream profile image

Hi all, today I tested BFN and that’s my 2nd round FET out. I’m 36, DH 40. We are generally healthy, TTC for a long time so got referred to NHS for ICSI because of low sperm mobility. We are lucky to get 3 rounds under NHF funding so we stopped looking for private clinics but things get frustrated

EC done in April, 7 good quality embryos frozen.

1st natural FET in June - failed because I started bleeding 10dp5dt

2nd natural FET in Aug: added 1 Lubion injection and 2 cyclogests a day. No bleeding. No symptoms, sore boobs gone after 3dp5pt. BFN still. I have never pregnant so I didn’t know what to expect with my body. Every time I test never seen a 2nd line. Embryo failed to implant.

I’ve asked a lot of questions to my consultant last time it failed but I’ve been told they won’t look into it until I have failed 3 times because under our age group the success rates are 30%. All scans were good, lining 9.4cm before transfer. I had polyps in the past but they were treated with hysteroscopy, the latest one were Oct 2021. I really need to hurry up until they are back.

In 2020 my smear test result came back with mild HPV, never treated and got told it comes and goes, nothing to worry about. I read so much on here that people could have immunity infection in the uterus and it’s very common.

Before I talk to my dr again or look to do IVF privately, my questions are:

-Have anyone managed to ask NHS to prescribe antibiotics for prevention of bacteria during your transfer? I foresee they won’t do test for immunity or take a biopsy of my lining for NK before my next FET.

-Baby aspirin: anyone had it under NHS? Antibiotics + blood thinning are harmless from what I read, I’ll try anything to aid implantation at this stage.

-I can request transfer 2 embryos for my 3rd round. We have 5 in freezer so it won’t be an issue. However because nothing sticks before would it be worth to try 2 this time?

-is there anything I can ask NHS dr to try? They are very limited in options. I did look into Fertilisys for testing but we are thinking to do those after the last round with NHS.

Any help is appreciated greatly. I just need a clear vision to get through my disappointment and get back on the horse

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4 Replies
Twiglet2 profile image

Hi I’m so sorry this round hasn’t worked 😢 sending you my love

If I’m reading it right this was only your 2nd embryo transfer? I think you are doing the right thing by pushing for what else could be done but in my experience 2 transfers form one round is still early days to worry that it won’t work, as some of it does come to down to luck, especially with 5 embryos on the freezer 🤗

I haven’t had baby aspirin but my clinic is putting me on clexane this round for the same thing but that’s because I’ve had 3 failed transfers in a row and I’m on the last frozen embryo from this round. Maybe you could ask about that or there are tests to check too but I’m just doing clexane in case rather than the tests and delay things xx

Midsummer_daydream profile image
Midsummer_daydream in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you for reading this. I’m normally very chilled but I feel like I’m impatient with IVF. Maybe it was the wait because I’ve gone with the NHS that has made me process things this way. I’m feeling unsettled with their response.

I had a call after writing this yesterday that they offered me a fresh cycle. I might go with that to create more embryos for future use. But first thing first I need to wait 6-8 weeks for an appointment to talk to a consultant.

Do you think using embies from a new cycle is a better idea?

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Midsummer_daydream

The waiting is the very worst part for me! I hear ya! 🤗

Why have they suggested a fresh cycle instead of using the 5 embryos you’ve got? I have heard of ‘banking’ embryos but usually that would be for women with lower egg reserves trying to get as many fresh rounds as possible in or maybe to get as many quality embryos to use later etc. Do you have low AMH? Is there any reason why they think the 5 you have on ice would be any different from what you would get with another fresh round? If not I’d be inclined to use what you have and look at what might be added/tweaked to protocol to help implantation. But every situation is so unique it’s really hard to say lovely xx

They suggested it because I asked to try something different due to 2 failed transfers in a row. Plus that I’m entitled to have another cycle on the NHS so I just use it or loose it. In the last EC they told me my egg reserve is good, so no problem. I am just at risk of OHSS. They won’t perform any PGS testing on the 5 embies I have on ice. They just said all have a good grading, I’ve used a 5AA and a 4BB+ so now they are all 4 something I believe.

I totally agree with you about questioning to add or tweak the next transfer because it seems more chances to be problem with me than the actual embies. But now if I’m doing a fresh cycle what if a fresh transfer is an option? I heard (also they told me) FET has better rate of success and I have done 2 natural FET, I don’t know if a fresh transfer worth trying

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