I had two early miscarriages after natural conceptions in 2021 - May & September. The Sept one was a year ago today.
I saw a lot of consultants after the second one and they all said don't worry, you will get pregnant again naturally soon. The consultant in the EPU after my second miscarriage said don't lose faith, in a year from now you will very likely have a baby or be pregnant. The miscarriage consultant I saw last November said 2022 is going to be your year.
After nine months I hadn't got pregnant naturally and moved to IVF. And I've since had two failed transfers, one fresh, one frozen PGT-A tested. Third transfer scheduled this Friday.
I am still really baffled about why I did not get pregnant naturally quickly after the second miscarriage. The stats are that 70-80% get pregnant within 6 months of miscarriage.
I feel like most of the experts keep saying this is all bad luck, keep trying, you will get there in the end. But that doesn't feel very convincing and all their predictions have been completely wrong! I feel like there is probably a linked reason behind the miscarriages, failure to get pregnant after, failed transfers.
Did anyone else struggle to conceive naturally after a miscarriage?