What vitamins did you take before doing stims? I’ve only been taking folic acid and vitamin d up to this point but now thinking I should be trying something more full on like ‘Pregancare Conception Max’ - did you take a combi vitamin? Or all individual tablets?
Conception vitamins pre STIMS - Fertility Network UK
Conception vitamins pre STIMS

Hi lovely,please private message me to share further info relating to your question xx
Hi I took the following: Vitamin E
Vitamin d3 2000 vitabiotics
Vitamin B complex
Chromium piculate
Omega 3
Vitamin c together health
Heya. I’ve been taking a multi vitamin, but then also additional folate, zinc, selenium, alpha lipoic acid, vit E, and Co-q10.
There’s a book called ‘it starts with the egg’ that explains a lot about what the different supplements are relevant for x
I’d recommend reading It Starts With the Egg. Very interesting. I’m taking prenatal vitamins (Naturelo)
Vit D
Omega 3
Primrose Oil
Ubiquinol (CoQ10)
Melatonin - starting in my 5th day before ivf cycle
I’ve been taking DHEA for egg quality but I have been testing my bloods as well. I wouldn’t recommend taking it blind without testing your levels.
Try CQ10! It’s meant to be great for egg quality. Also b vitamins and vitamin C. Also, if you can, start eating a diet heavy in lean protein and healthy fats. Xxx
Hi PrincessGurn1984,
Earlier this year we had a consultation with an (in my opinion) amazing doctor and she made some suggestions regarding the supplements we should take and our lifestyle in general, that might apply to you too.
- (for both) No red meat (fish and chicken are okay)
- No alcohol consumption for me, but my partner is allowed 2 units per week
- (for both) Of course, no smoking
- Your partner needs to regularly ejaculate (2-3 times per week), avoid cycling & rowing, and shouldn’t wear tight/lycra underwear (instead boxers)
- My partner is taking: Wellman Conception, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Lycopene, Omega3
- I am taking: Folic acid, Omega3, CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin B complex, DHEA tablets and will also add Melatonin during egg stimulation
In addition to the above,
- eat organic, non-processed food,
- try to stress as little as possible (I find this so difficult),
- reduce caffeine and
- exercise/be active
- overall live a healthy lifestyle.
I suggest you speak with your doctor before taking any supplements/vitamins.
I wish you all the best♥