I am keen to hear from anyone aged 41 did you end up with ivf or natural?
Conception aged 41 : I am keen to hear... - Fertility Network UK
Conception aged 41

My friend got pregnant naturally at 39, gave birth at 40. This was after being seen at the fertility clinic and waiting to start IVF. She's just had his brother at 42 also naturally.
I got pregnant v easily (infact the condom broke) at 42 but I miscarried due to undiagnosed blood clotting issues. I then got pregnant naturally at 6 months later but that one was abnormal. I’m currently pregnant with my own frozen eggs at 45. I have 2 friends who got pregnant and had perfectly healthy babies at 43 so there is definitely every chance of success!! 🤞🏼 Obviously depends on the individuals hormones and egg reserve but you can assess that via a blood test and uterine scan. I wish you every success!!! Ps the friend that got pregnant at 43,did suffer a few miscarriages first and the other one had a few cycles of ivf but then got pregnant naturally immediately after xxx
My Nan had a baby at 42. But she had 13 children and that was her last. Wish I was even one thirteenth as fertile! xx
didn't know that about ur nan..what a woman xxx
I was told I would never concieve naturally due to severe Endometriosis but I concieved naturally at 40 ( sadly miscarried ) . I'm now 41 & 13 weeks pregnant after our first IVF cycle. Be realistic but never give up on your dreams 😘 lots of luck 🍀 x
Hi. I am 41 but was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure - eggs are old, withered and any they do harvest haven't resulted in posititve pregnancy. I started ivf when I was 37 and now onto donor eggs. This year I had my first positive result. Unfortunately it ended in miscarriage however it has given me the glimmer of hope to carry on and try again.
However that is me.
I would suggest that you get your tests done, see what the results suggest and then decide on a direction. I know people who have been told they have the fertility of people 10 years younger than them. So it is entirely possible that you can conceive naturally.
Sending you hope. Message me if you want to chat xxx
I am 40 and 4 failed ivf rounds but 5th was a positive sadly we miscarried at 12 weeks..I have low egg reserve..I am reassured too but stories above as my age is terrifying me however as I have progressed through ivf each cycle has got slightly better in one way or another so I try to remain hopeful xxx
I’m 40 but needed Donor eggs. I have low ovarian reserve. Had 1 go with my eggs on ivf but only got 1 egg and it didn’t fertilise went straight onto Donor eggs and took tired go for them to work currently 35 weeks xx
I'm 37 yrs old with long infertility history. (Which definitely makes the difference). Got prego with my boy after ivf#2 with 2 5day blasties. Another one vanished. We used donor eggs as my own were said no good for ivf. Got bfp on 6dp5dt. Good luck with your research!
Wow, thanks everyone, wow what a lot of stories!! I have had day 21 bloods two years ago, a scan with showed pco and cysts, tried for two months no joy, how ling should I give things
Hello Pumpkins. I had 4 miscarriages between 40 & 42 and a failed ivf with icsi in February. That was our last shot at OE and we are now awaiting a donor match. Even though I got pregnant naturally, in hindsight I wish we'd maybe tried ivf earlier so that we could have had testing for abnormalities. I feel I wasted a lot of time getting to this point.
I'd definitely recommend getting all your blood tests up to date and maybe getting amh and antral follical via a fertility clinic to get a clearer idea of your options. Good luck xx