Hi All,
I have just started my ERA test (my clinic don’t do Alice and Emma) and am taking Noresterone at the moment.
I asked my fertility clinic about matching everything we intend to take for medicated FET into the ERA for an accurate result and they said I don’t need to, just to add cyclogest and lubion, but I could add fragmin and aspirin also if I want to (which is part of my nk cells plan with another specialist clinic). Consultant said specifically don’t worry about the prednisone and intralipid when I pressed.
I emailed my other specialist who will treat for NK cells for the real transfers and he said I need to take everything, prednisone and an intralipid for the ERA test which took me by surprise.
Now I’m really confused as I don’t want to spoil the era test and for it not be accurate.
For your ERAs did you match everything or just some of the things possible? Did you take prednisone and have an intralipid for your ERA test?
Also is there an alternative to Alice and Emma? I’ve heard of vaginal microbiome test but is that different to Alice and Emma?
For the ERA we'd initially planned to take the following per day:-
4 cyclogest
2 lubion
1 75 mg aspirin
1 fragmin
Thanks x