Hi beautiful ladies. So after my bfn on Tuesday and my 3rd failed cycle, i have 2 frosties left. My doctor wants to check for silent endometriosis, he wants to do a laparoscopy and in case he finds some hidden endo he will remove it before we do the next FET. Has anyone done a laparoacopy before? Did it help with ivf success? Any experiences/advice will be appreciated. Sending you all lots of positive vibes 🍀❤
Laparoscopy to diagnose silent endome... - Fertility Network UK
Laparoscopy to diagnose silent endometriosis before FET (my 4th transfer)

Hi, I haven’t had a lap yet but have endometriosis related cysts on my ovaries. Because I am 39 (almost 40) the consultants (all three of them) decided against surgery as it may create scar tissue and may damage the ovaries. I had one fresh cycle, one fet so far and we have two embies left frozen. So, before the forthcoming FET they gave me Prostap injection to keep endo quiet. The consultant had said hundred percent no to surgery at the moment. So, depends on your age. If I was in my 20s it certainly would be a different scenario. Hope all goes well for you and hope the info is useful. Sending Baby dust and positive thoughts your way. xx
I am also on Prostrap injections for mild endo and adenomyosis. ace3 how long are you having the injections for? I’m sick of the hot flushes 🤨
Hi katiehopeful81 ! I have just seen your message. For some reason didn’t get any notifications. I had it on day 1 of my last cycle and now on day 25 of that cycle. Waiting for a period to start frozen embryo transfer medications. I haven’t had hot flushes but the mood changes and feeling down have not been good. Hope you are coping well.
I am just wondering if is not worth to have an MRI scan first, as it can be visible there rather than going though such an invasive procedures for nothing. Just a thought ☺️. I never had laparoscopy done so no advises there. MRI is £250 in London but laparoscopy must be very expensive.
Doctor told me that laparoscopy is the only way to find out if i have silent endo that can be hidden somewhere. After 3 failed cycles you just feel ready for anything just to find where the problem is 🤞
I understand what you mean, I also had 3 failed cycles (all ended in chemicals) and I did all the tests under the sun just to make sure that we haven't missed anything. My doctor suspected that I might have also silent adenomyosis after having hysteroscopy and recommended me to have MRI scan and I refused as I never had any kind of symptoms. They treated me anyway for endometritis (not endometriosis) and also for adenomyosis just in case and we been successful on our 4th try, we are now pregnant with twins 😍 I am keeping everything crossed for you and let's hope they will not find anything wrong 🤗
I had lap laparoscopy before my first fresh round. The doctor was almost certain the endo was there so instead of scanning they went straight into the lap and removed as much as they could (I was diagnosed with severed endo). I was given 6monthsnof prostap afterwards and the IVF afterwards was a success. Talk to your consultant and discuss all the options. I was lucky that my IVF consultant is endo specialist.
Good luck x
I had an investigative laparoscopy January 2019 - found my ovary was stuck to my pelvic wall with endometriosis and I had it moderately so they lasered it off. Also found a cyst on my ovary.
Also had problems with thyroid and prolactin levels so had to get them sorted too before I could start ivf.
But am now sat here listening to YouTube ‘white noise’ trying to get my two month old to have a nap 😆 after a successful first ICSI which began august 2020 (delayed by covid then Prolactin levels from the start of the year)
Laparoscopy is definitely worth doing - no scan even an MRI can show everything up - much better to have a good look round inside !!!
I haven't had ivf but I have got endometriosis. I had pretty much every symptom you can have with it although it is possible to have it without symptoms. From my experience I can tell endometriosis is rarely seen on any scan even mri and mine was only diagnosed via laparoscopy after 6 years nearly of TTC. I did conceive after my first lap first time since TTC had a chemical pregnancy. My endometriosis was aggressive and re grew rapidly after my third lap I conceived my 2 year old daughter. I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant after suffering 3 losses ( one at 20 weeks and 2 earlier ones) having my endo diagnosis and treated made it possible to conceive without the surgery I would still be struggling now. Tho I know not all endo causes infertility ( but did in my case) I think it is worth ruling out/ treating. A lap is considered the most effective way currently to diagnose endometriosis ( it can and often does hide on a scan unless you have the chocolate cysts or very deep endometriosis neither one I had) If you want advice on Laps having had 3 I'm happy to answer any questions you may have Xx
Hi there. I’ve had a laparoscopy both before starting IVF and then sandwiched between cycles. The first lap removed a large endometrioma on my ovary plus bowel adhesions. After cycle five which yielded nothing to transfer by day 5, they recommended another lap due to fluid around my ovaries. I was 38. During the lap they removed on of my Fallopian tubes a it was totally blocked, however the end of the tube closest to the ovary they left a bit intact so they were not messing around near my ovary to preserve as much of it as possible. 2.5 months after the op I had another cycle with PGTA abs we got our first ever positive result on our first FET… we’d had 8 transfers previous to this with no joy. Currently almost 17 weeks. We also had humira, and immune suppressant as part of our treatment along with prostap which they always put me on before doing FETS to reduce the Endo and make everything calmer. Hope this helps xx
Hi hun, 1st of all huge huge congratulations on your pregnancy! I wish a healthy and happy 9 months 🍀 Thanks for sharing your story with me, you've been through a lot of but it was worth it in the end 🥰 Positive stories always give me hope. I did my lap last week and now recovering, they cleaned some stage 1 endo on my ovaries and pelvis. Now preparing for a FET by mid September and crossing my fingers and toes and everything🤞