Hi all,
I swear all I do right now is ask questions but this is v much where I am right now - really appreciate the guidance and support of this community.
I am in another dilemma - whether or not to have a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy between egg collection and FET.
Background - I have had horrendous, painful and heavy periods my whole adult life and then struggled with TTC. We had one pregnancy that ended in MC at 7 weeks. It has been suspected I may have endometriosis (my left ovary is behind my uterus) and I was put on a long waiting list last June for a lap/hyst specifically for 'subfertility issues'.
However, since then, it was discovered that despite all my hurdles (polycystic ovaries, thyroid issues for which I am now on levothyroxine and a gluten free diet, mild adenomyosis and vaginal microbiome issues) one of the main reasons we struggled is male factor. My partner has poor sperm motility and even worse morphology. We were told to go straight for IVF.
I have just had my first egg collection and am now waiting for our 5 embryos to be PGT-a tested for a hopeful FET in a few months.
But now - I have just heard I have finally got the laparoscopy/hyst booked in for a few weeks' time.
Do I go and get it done or is it not worth the upheaval (recovery, more days off work etc), considering we are already on the IVF path? I don't want another procedure tbh, I found the EC recovery quite tough. But then I don't want to waste the opportunity now it is there.
My IVF clinic said I don't need a lap for fertility issues... but they are happy for me to if I really want to. I think with all the many internal scans I have had maybe they would have spotted some endo if it was bad?
So my qu is - has anyone with suspected endo had a lap/hyst before an FET/IVF cycle and had positive outcomes? Is it worth me still doing it just in case?
This whole fertility game is exhausting, ha. Tired of it all now!