Hi all,
I’m looking for some advice on FET protocols.
I’ve had 2 fresh rounds of IVF treatment and one frozen.
The first cycle of IVF resulted in two embryos. We transferred one embryo, which resulted in a BFN. For our frozen round we also got a BFN.
For our next fresh round our consultant suggested ICSI, not due to a sperm issue but due to a low rate of blastocysts at the day 5 stage on round one. This cycle resulted in three embryos, we transferred one back in December which unfortunately ended in a chemical pregnancy, the other two embryos have been frozen.
I’ve been diagnosed with mild to moderate endometriosis via laparoscopy and had this removed back in 2022. I’ve also got a slightly underactive thyroid so I've been put on thyroxine. Other than that it’s unexplained infertility. My husband’s had multiple tests and all seems fine there.
On my first frozen cycle we did a non-medicated Natural cycle, as my cycles are regular and they hoped this would work. I’m wondering what protocol I should follow for my next round.
My current clinic is an NHS clinic (which we are really grateful to have) that only offers a Natural FET and a short medicated FET using Progynova and progesterone.
We decided to seek another opinion from another clinic (a private clinic), as it will be my 4th transfer and I am getting more and more anxious that this will never work. Due to my endometriosis the consultant suggested doing the frozen transfer using the long Day 21 FET HRT protocol, using GnRH analogue then estrogen medication and progesterone.
We are lucky that we have one more frozen embryo round on the NHS, however as my clinic doesn't offer the long medicated protocol I’m wondering whether it’s worth moving to go private.
Does anyone have any experience of the long medicated protocol working more effectively for them or any advice in general on this?
Thank you so much in advance for your help xx