We've just started our second cycle of ICSI. The first cycle i was on Buserelin and Gonal F 450iu, unfortunately we were only able to get 1 mature egg and 1 immature egg. Neither of which made it passed fertilisation. So either the medication didn't stimulate my follicles or I just have that low of an egg reserve. I have a low AMH Level.
This cycle they have put me on Menopur 450iu and Cetrotide 0.25mg. I'm keeping everything crossed that the medication works this time.
Has anyone been on Menopur? If so did you feel the medication working in any way?
With my first injection of Menopur a couple of hours later I got pains in my tummy, my hope was that it was the medication working. But this is day 3 of starting Menopur and I've felt absolutely nothing each day since.
So I wanted to know if anyone who has been on Menopur did it work for you? And did you feel anything?
Many thanks