I am currently doing a 3 cycle package of embryo banking. So far, I have completed 2 out of 3. My 3rd and final cycle is about to start. I am just waiting for AF to arrive.
My first cycle was in January and second was in March. So doing it every 2 months. After my second egg collection, I had more symptoms than the first time. Also I have felt more twinges and niggles this month so beginning to wonder if I am putting my body through too much stress. My symptoms are very mild though.
I am doing it at this speed due to my age- I will be 44 in June. I already lost two months due to Covid. I did not have it but was told to self- isolate by the contact tracing app in November just as I was about to start stims. 😒 AF was due around Christmas time so December was out as well! ☹️
Has anyone had back to back cycles of embryo banking? If yes, how quickly did you do it and did you have any “side effects” when you were not on any medication?