Hi everyone,
So a bit of our story.....i have a Very Low AMH Level, we have had two previous ICSI IVF cycles which unfortunately failed. The first round, one mature egg and one immature egg were collected. I believe this round failed because the egg quality was poor, it didn't even fertilise. The second round, one mature egg and one immature egg were collected again. Egg quality looked great and the egg fertilised, but unfortunately the embryo didn't implant.
I've been told because of my very low AMH level that I can only expect 1 mature egg each ivf cycle.
We've just started our third round. I started Menopur 450iu on 1st December 2021, and started Cetrotide 250mg on 2nd December 2021. This morning (9th December) I went for my first of three scans.
I have 5 follicles which for me is fantastic as I have a very low AMH Level and so for me this was great. But...two of the follicles are already quite big, the dr told me that these two follicles grew faster than they should have and will unfortunately be poor quality and so would have a poor quality egg inside if there were to be an egg inside them.
They are going to continue meds, and concentrate on the three good sized follicles. In hopes that, that will be where my egg will be.
My worry is that since I only have produced one egg during egg collection up until this point, that my one egg would be inside one of the bigger follicles and so would be poor quality. Instead of one of those good sized 3 follicles. I know there is no way of knowing which follicle my egg is in until egg collection.
I don't know whether to cancel this round, or to continue?
We don't have a lot of money and this may be our last try and chance at ivf and having our own baby.
I'm scared, has anyone else had this same choice to make?
What would you all do?
Any help, advice, or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you xx