Has Anyone Had ICSI And Only Gotten T... - Fertility Network UK

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Has Anyone Had ICSI And Only Gotten Two Eggs?

sparkle183 profile image
9 Replies

Hi so we're on our second cycle of ICSI. In the first cycle we had 4 follicles and only one follicle grew to a good size. But we got two eggs, 1 mature and 1 immature.

In this cycle we were expecting 4 eggs as we had 4 of 6 follicles grow to a really nice size, I've just had my egg collection today and we only got two eggs 😥 again 1 mature and 1 immature 🥺 the other two follicles were empty.

I feel so crushed and heartbroken. To know that my egg reserve is running that low that my body can only produce 2 eggs each time and not even have them be both mature eggs. I'm so scared that we'll not be able to have a baby. I just feel so broken right now.

I just wanted to know if there's anyone who has been successful with ICSI after only 2 eggs were collected? Just really need some hope right now.

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sparkle183 profile image
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9 Replies
AuroraXen profile image

Oh sparkle, I'm so sorry you had a disappointing cycle. It's so hard. If you're like me you panic and can almost feel your AMH dropping and feel like your fertility is just crashing. I was looking at your previous posts and I empathise. Try to remember that low AMH itself doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. It's rare that ladies like us will have loads of follicles and eggs, but I think often the quality can be there, in the ones we do produce. Hopefully that one mature egg is great quality, as your body has spent all its effort this cycle in producing it 😍 If it fertilises, that could be THE one. That's what you need to hold on to right now. But I 100% understand the disappointment. I had my 2nd IVF cycle Jan 2020, and managed to get 7 eggs from 14 follicles (4 mature and all fertilised, BFN at the end though). Fast forward to my third cycle, which failed a month ago, and we only got 5 eggs (itself a miracle, as only 2 follicles were big enough really), 2 of which were mature, but both fertilised and one made it to day 5 as a good blastocyst (still BFN, sigh). But I'm obsessed with thinking, is that it, has my fertility declined SO much in that 18 months? Or was it a freakishly bad cycle and my next (last) will be better? It's so depressing. Sending you lots of virtual hugs xx

Lancal profile image

It must feel awful for you and I completely get it - I went through menopause in my 20s. I was desperately trying to save eggs when this was happening and I only ever got 1 egg, after 5 stim cycles.

The quality of the eggs is what is important, and the quality decreases with age. AMH will not affect it. A lot of women with POI may only get a couple of eggs after multiple rounds, but the quality of those eggs is high, due to their age.

If you are determined to go down this route and use your own eggs, you may have to deal with low egg counts per collection. The good thing is that it only ever takes one good egg. The majority of eggs per cycle never develop to blastocyst anyway.

Hang in there. There are still options for you. Wishing you the best of luck! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

LuxFleur profile image

Hi lovely, I'm sorry you're going through this. On our first ICSI cycle we got 3 eggs but only 2 that fertilized normally. We did get pregnant but lost her at 10 weeks. our second collection and ICSI was a year later and we actually got a better result (3 eggs were mature and fertilized normally out of 5). So, you might have another cycle that does better. I took supplements a lot during the year between, I think they help. I am pregnant again from our second ICSI cycle (4 transfers total for all cycles), but it's early days and the numbers are slow to climb. Keeping my fingers crossed for you xo

Anon82 profile image

Hi, I’m sorry you are going through this, it is so hard.

I also have a low AMH.

I had 2 rounds of icsi, 1st round 2 immature eggs were retrieved.

Second round, 2 mature eggs were retrieved and 1 made my daughter who is now 11 weeks old.

On the second round I took conenzyme q10 and vitamin d3 with calcium. The ivf medication was the same. I don’t know if it was the supplements or just one of those things.

I had acupuncture both rounds.

I hope you go onto have a successful round. It only takes one.

Loma1 profile image

Hey sparkle, you have 1 egg and that’s all it took for me.After ICSI I had 3 fertilise and only 1 was suitable for transfer. I did another round and had 0 fertilise. It broke my heart and I was ready to give up. I was catatonic and unable to speak for days - my husband didn’t know what to do with me. I can’t even describe what I felt, I was just empty. I thought it was the end for me and I couldn’t face more ‘failure’.

But we still had 1 fertilised egg in the freezer. I had to work on my mindset and attitude and believe that this was all I needed. It took a big shift in mindset but I threw myself at everything, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, diets/supplements and prepared. I took a week off prior to implant and stayed off for a whole month. I spent each day looking after me and wasn’t going to regret not having tried anything. At the beginning of Feb we had the implantation and I am currently 28 weeks pregnant.

Don’t lose hope - you are still have an egg.

Wishing you all the best and hope that you too will find yourself in the right place soon to battle on. X

Abs37 profile image

I had 8 eggs my first round only one of which matured into my now 5 year old son a big fat 0 on my second then the last few cycles had 2, 2 and 3.

I remember reading how many eggs other girls produced and feeling such a failure. You have to keep in mind quantity doesn’t mean quality. Good luck xxx

Jolinkomo profile image

Please do not loose hope. 1 good embryo is able to give you your much desired baby.

If the funds are there is it possible to do more without transfering and freeze embryos.

Did you try supplements such as dhea( check level first) glutathione, iron)

I took Chinese meds that enhance blood flow and qualitt along with so many others like q10.

Please know that all hope is not lost

sparkle183 profile image

Hi AuroraXen Lancal LuxFleur Anon82 Loma1 Jolinkomo Abs37 thank you all so much. I was feeling so broken, and destroyed, I felt like I was letting my partner down and wasn't able to give him the family that he so desperately wants. I went into a very dark place. And reading all your comments brought me out if it and gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe I still can give my partner the family he deserves and we can have our miracle baby. It took a little while but I felt that hope there after reading your comments. I will try over time and reply to you all individually still. But I wanted to thank you all so much. And also wanted to give you all an update 😊

The next day (Thursday 29th) after egg collection we had a call from our hospital our 1 mature egg had fertilised 😁 they arranged of Embryo Transfer to be the following afternoon.

The next morning (Friday 30th) they phoned and our embryo was doing really well. It's a grade B+ which they said at this stage is the best grade they give, so our embryo was perfect and had 4 cells.

By Friday afternoon (8 hours later) we went in for our embryo transfer and our embryo now had 6 cells, so they said it was doing really nicely. We had our transfer and it all went really well 😁 we're so happy and excited. We're praying that our embryo implants and we become pregnant

I talk to our embryo everyday asking it to carry on growing and get strong and implant. We have to wait two weeks for a blood test/pregnancy test.

Please pray for us that it works and we get our miracle baby. We want this to work so badly. We're praying and keeping everything crossed.

I'll keep you all updated.

Our embryo should implant either yesterday or today. I had some twinges yesterday so am praying it was implantation, please pray for us too xx❤

Abs37 profile image

Sorry for the late reply but I have everything crossed for you, good luck sweetheart xx

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