Utrogestan Vs Cyclogest : Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK

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Utrogestan Vs Cyclogest

Maui2020 profile image
40 Replies

Hi everyone

I have been prescribed Utrogestan this natural FET cycle as apparently there is a shortage of Cyclogest.

I had some Cyclogest left over from previous cycles, but the nurse told me I need to stick to the same type of progesterone, so if I do become pregnant I need to make sure I have 3 months supply.

I got the impression it’s not their first choice of pessary as she said if I could source the Cyclogest, they are happy to write me a new prescription. My best friend also miscarried on Utrogestan and is convinced it was the cause, so her alarmist response to this has made me a bit anxious.

I know I just need reassurance, so any success stories using only Utrogestan?

Also anyone who has swapped/alternated between the cyclogest and utrogestan successfully?

Any side effects I should look out for?

Thanks 😊

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Maui2020 profile image
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40 Replies
Vicster80 profile image

Yes I have been on utrogestan this cycle- currently 12 weeks pregnant. This is my 7th transfer and for the first 5 transfers I was on cyclogest. Not sure why they swapped me for the last 2 but I had no problems with utrogestan. I think they are very similar so wouldn’t worry, especially if you are on the same strength. I think we all look for the reason why a cycle failed or was successful- I’d be surprised if this small change would make a real difference either way. X

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Vicster80

Thank you for replying, this is exactly what I needed to hear- it’s my 7th transfer too. You’re right there are so many factors to success/failure that we look into every tiny detail, and I’m also becoming very superstitious- which is so unlike me! Congratulations on your pregnancy and for giving me hope of lucky number 7 xx

Mycatsaremykids profile image

I was swapped from cyclogest to utrogestan at about 12 weeks pregnant due to the shortage. I have to take progesterone up to 16 weeks due to recurrent miscarriage and bleeding in pregnancy. I’m now 15 weeks so hoping it is doing the job.

I hadn’t been told anything about not being able to switch so have been taking cyclogest in the morning and utrogestan in the evening. Just because that works for me from a practical perspective.

The recurrent miscarriage clinic just said it was the same thing but a different delivery mechanism. I do find them quite messy!

Hope it works out for you xxx

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

That’s amazing, congrats on your pregnancy. Could I ask, were the doses of the two comparable? I used to take 2 x 400mg cyclogest and have now been prescribed 3 x 600mg utrogestan. When you swapped were you on the same mg? X

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Maui2020

Sorry I mean 3 x 200mg utrogestan! 600mg would be a loooot of progesterone

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to Maui2020

Yeah I started on 2x400 cyclogest. Then the pharmacy still had 200 cyclogest so I had 4x200 cyclogest but when they completely ran out I moved on to 4x200 utrogestan so no change in dose. xxx

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Mycatsaremykids

Ok thank you that’s great to know. I’m on a little less so.. I’m having a blood test on transfer day so I hope there is time to rectify if I need more xx

Mycatsaremykids profile image
Mycatsaremykids in reply to Maui2020

Ah that’s good they are checking. My clinic didn’t.

Good luck with you FET. xxx

Purple276 profile image

Hey,I've only used Utrogestan and other than needing a panty liner because of a waxy deposit when they are absorbed, no side effects and progesterone levels seemed good from it.

I wonder if they are pretty much the same but different brands? Either way really hope your FET goes well.

Sending you positive thoughts 👍

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Purple276

Thanks Purple.. I’ve always found cyclogest quite messy as well so hopefully not any worse. Good luck with the next step of your journey too xx

Bexarama83 profile image

My nurse told me about the shortage yesterday. She said they’re exactly the same drug just that utrogeston has to be taken in the front and is a small ball, whereas cyclogest is a waxy bullet so can be taken front and back. She also mentioned about the 3 times a day with utrogeston. I really wouldn’t worry, sounds like it’s just a different way of taking the same drug. Best of luck with your cycle. X

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Bexarama83

Oh ok great, and seems like 3x a day is quite standard. I always got told to take cyclogest from the back for transfer.. we’re you given any instruction about Utrogestan on transfer day? I forgot to ask all these questions amidst the conversation and I’ll only speak to the embryologist on the morning of transfer. Xx

saraht23 profile image

I’ve always been utrogestan. Unfortunately didn’t have good outcomes on my first 2 cycles and I’m currently in my third but the failures weren't down to the progesterone. My clinic has always been utrogestan by default so although I can’t give you my success story I know they have loads of people who have good outcomes using those pessaries

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to saraht23

Thank you thats helpful.. wishing you all the best for your cycle x

I'm on cycle 2 and have been taking utrogestan 3 x daily. I had cyclogest the last time and I found them awful messy. These ones are a lot less messy. I'm on the scale down now 2 x daily and at the weekend 1 x daily so I'm a little nervous about that. I'm 13 weeks preg today 🙏🏼 my scan is tomorrow so hopefully all ok. There's a shortage apparently yes and my doc said no difference at all just less mess. I didn't use the applicator that was more hassle x

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to

Oh I’m liking the idea of less mess and good to know applicator not essential. Congratulations on 13 weeks.. wishing you smooth sailing. The nurse wasn’t clear on whether you have to lie down for a certain period of time after.. what did you do? X

in reply to Maui2020

These ones IMO are far better than the cyclogest. I literally popped it in and off I went about my day. Occasionally I'd lie down but usually not and not a problem. The cyclogest would slide out if you gto straight up 😂

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to

Oh yes don’t I know it.. nightmare 😂 that’s why I always found cyclogest the back way better when I’m in a rush. That’s good to know. X

Hobbies89 profile image

Hi. I’m currently 6 weeks 5 days and have been on cyclogest up to this point. Due to the shortage I’m having to start Utrogestan from the end of this week so I will be swapping part way through. I’ve also been told that they’ve checked with manufacturers and they can be used either way

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Hobbies89

Congratulations. I’m glad you’ve been told this as my nurse told me I couldn’t swap, but that never made sense to me. X

Hobbies89 profile image
Hobbies89 in reply to Maui2020

Can I ask have you been prescribed 3x 200mg per day? That is my current concern that I was on cyclogest 2x 400mg so they’d be lowering my dosage when I move over later this week

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Hobbies89

Yes that’s exactly what I’ve been prescribed as an equivalent to cyclogest. I was wondering whether they are directly comparable in terms of dosage. Are you a certain central London clinic? I wonder if that’s their protocol as an alternative dose. I’m having a blood test just before transfer to check progesterone levels and was told it’s enough time to tweak. I know it’s a bit harder to check progesterone at your stage of pregnancy as there’s a lot of normal variation. Can you question why the dose is reduced?

Hobbies89 profile image
Hobbies89 in reply to Maui2020

Thanks for the reply. Yes I think I’m going to give them a call to ask about the change in dose too. I’m actually under a clinic in central Manchester.

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Hobbies89

That’s sounds good just for reassurance. And also good to know our clinics aren’t the only ones using the same dose equivalents.

Hobbies89 profile image
Hobbies89 in reply to Maui2020

I’ve spoken with a nurse at the ivf clinic and they’ve said it’s nothing to worry about 800mg of cyclogest is equivalent to 600mg of utrogeston 🤷‍♀️ Not quite sure how that’s worked out but it sounds like it’s ok

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Hobbies89

Oh thanks for update, I was going to ask. I was trying to Google dosage differences yesterday but couldn’t find anything. It will be interesting to see what my progesterone levels are on Monday after 4 days of taking it as I’ve done so many FETs I know what they usually are with cyclogest. Will update you if they’re very different xx

Hobbies89 profile image
Hobbies89 in reply to Maui2020

Thank you and good luck I have everything crossed for you 🤞 xx

Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely, I've never used Utrogestan - hopefully as you'll be having a progesterone blood test they'll be keeping a close eye on it :) xx

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Millbanks

That was making me feel better. I wouldn’t have given it a second thought had it not been for my friend, but her progesterone was never monitored also so that’s a major difference. How is the Ivf break? Hope you’re enjoying some treats and the pressure is off for a short while xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Maui2020

I think progesterone levels seem to be more important / monitored nowadays - they definitely are important in terms of stopping an early bleed so I would think there would be more emphasis across the board! Glad they are on it :)Oh it's fab thank you! Had a lovely weekend by the sea drinking prosecco and eating shellfish - such a treat. Back running big distances again too which I am loving. Feel like I have so much more energy and head space too. Think I've got another 2 weeks until our full test panel should be back so will enjoy as much as I can before then!

How are you feeling about this one? xxx

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Millbanks

That sounds like an amazing well deserved treat! I’m glad you’re enjoying the break. Such a great idea with the running- mentally and physically. I’ve had 3 back to back FETs now and the progesterone makes me feel so run down that I haven’t got my fitness groove back. I have friends who say they fell pregnancy naturally after they started working out so there must be some good hormones racing around.

I am feeling a lot more positive, as the Dr always maintained 3 out of 4 of my embryos in this batch will fail (whilst scaring me about twin pregnancies).. I’m 3 down, so logically this one will give me the best chance I figure.

Transfer is on Monday 🤞

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Maui2020

3 back to backs must be exhausting! Although I worked out the other day that this is the first break I've had from some sort of IVF meds since last June!!! Mad isn't it...Ha I know what you mean about the twin scaremongering! I agree - this must be the one - I literally have everything I can, crossed for you :)


Facingreality profile image

Hi. My clinic prescribed Crinone as my progesterone support in natural cycle IVF.

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to Facingreality

I wonder if cyclogest is just first choice because technically people find it easier to use (no applicators/available in higher dose) but really as long as your levels are ok it doesn’t matter.? I just saw your post- I’ve been prescribed my progesterone 4 days before transfer, but it was explained to me that it in a natural cycle it doesn’t matter so much when you start as you will produce your own progesterone once you ovulate, so your lining will be receptive at the right time anyway.

I think one advantage of starting early is so they can check your levels and adjust accordingly by transfer day.

Wishing you good luck 🤞🏽

Facingreality profile image
Facingreality in reply to Maui2020

Thank you, Maui2020

ashlou86 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm about to start my meds for a frozen transfer. I've had 2 previous transfers which have both worked. Those occasions I used 2x400 Cycolgest. This time I'm with a different clinic and they've prescribed 4x200 Utrogestan. All good so far, seems to work out as same dosage etc. I asked the nurse if I could use some leftover Cyclogest which I have that's still in date from a previous transfer. She said that it would be fine, but I'd need to take 4 Cycolgest per day, like for like with the Utrogestan, even though one is double dose of the other? This doesn't sound right to me. That would mean Id take 1600 of Cyclogest per day in total! x

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to ashlou86

Hi Ashlou, my experience with this was that I have always taken 2x400 cyclogest, once with a successful pregnancy, and always have my progesterone checked on transfer day at the same time. On my most recent cycle i was given 3 x 200 utrogestan. My progesterone level came back 50n/mol when it is consistently 150-200n/mol with cyclogest. I was told that cyclogest is more effective at maintaining levels so you don’t need it as often and utrogestan can make the levels peak/trough, which is why you have to take it more frequently so I may have caught a trough on the blood test result. Either way 4 x cyclogest doesn’t sound like an equivalent and if you may still be going back to utrogestan it may mean a sudden drop in progesterone if you switch back.

The nurses at my clinic are fantastic but on this matter, the Drs contradicted some of their advice so I think it’s worth double checking as i get the impression with the unexpected cyclogest shortage, the equivalents are not understood and there is conflicting information. Good luck xx

ashlou86 profile image

Hi Maui2020,Thanks for your reply. Yes I've found the same regarding professionals giving different advice. I'd previously spoken to a doctor that agreed where I'd previously taken 2x400 Cycolgest, I'll now be taking 4x200 Utrogestan. It seems to make more sense to me this way, as the dosage is staying at 800. I think I'll use up my leftover Cycolgest first as these have always resulted in a pregnancy with me. I have 25 days worth. I wish I could get more and stick with it, but think I'll need to switch to 4 Utrogestan per day after this xx

Maui2020 profile image
Maui2020 in reply to ashlou86

After my progesterone results I decided to switch back to cyclogest and found some in my local Boots. It’s worth trying around some pharmacies. Also I have now been prescribed it by my clinic again as apparently shortage is over. Hopefully in a month you’ll be able to get some easily so may not be a worry xx

Pregnantwins profile image

I took utrogestan vaginally for the first 12 weeks after embryo transfer. It did the trick for me as I am now 23 weeks pregnant with twins. I've since been put on cyclogest (from 20 weeks) due to a shortening cervix and found it very irritating vaginally so am now taking it rectally. Utrogestan has caused no such irritation. I would definitely stick with the utrogestan if I were you. It is the first choice in some of the best fertility clinics in the world including where I had my treatment. Best of luck!

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