Hi All,
Really stressed out. I had my surge scan on Friday lunch time and all is fine, lining at 8.1mm and one dominant follicle on left ovary at 20.1mm. Transfer confirmed as booked for Wednesday 13th. I get the prescription for cyclogest and lubion and off i go to Asda to collect.
I am waiting the prescription to be dispensed and I get a call from the Nurse i saw saying Dr *** has said to cancel your FET. We have received lots of blood results from your GP and your prolactin is abnormal at 761. Firstly the GP did not have permission to share my results with the fertility clinic. I actually recently removed consent for the fertility clinic to write to my GP but GP has old letters from them and so their contact details. The results were sent to info@clinic so weren't even addressed to my consultant.
Apparently my consultant told the nurse he did not request these bloods and so cancel the FET. I told the nurse they we're sent in error by my GP, they were not supposed to go them as it is actually for an immunology consultant i am also liaising with for NK cells testing (I just added in prolactin as well as its sometimes slightly elevated due to stress).
I said I want to speak to the consultant and let's do a retest as these are old bloods from 23rd Dec and i am not happy to base a decision on this. I also said its likely to be raised still due to them stressing me out and me crying in the car in Asda car park. They didn't even suggest a retest! I went back they tested, i was highly stressed and it came back at 788 so higher than GP bloods in December.
I said to the nurse I am not happy to cancel the transfer as it is stress related due to redundancy, and i haven't even been given a medical reason for this cancellation. Surely it is normal to consult in this situation and not pass a message via a nurse to cancel. Why? What are the risks to the transfer? He can't just say high prolactin and expect me to accept that! I am paying privately not NHS. I asked for him to call me back and he hasn't, just left me to worry all weekend. I've moved all my work commitments on Wednesday and started progesterone injections and had an endometrial scratch last month to prep.
I also said to the nurse please tell the consultant during my last ivf cycle he was fine to proceed with 739 on a test he did for prolactin, his words were its fine if its below 1000 and he's happy to proceed. That was a few weeks before transfers though and it was before egg collection. If he's now saying it's not fine then that could be the reason for my double transfer failing in November and I'd want a free cycle as I have wasted two perfectly good embryos (5AA & 5BA) as a result.
I called my GP and she said 761 is marginally raised an in her opinion stress related due to fertility issues and redundancy. I had a normal at 538 in September so it does fluctuate.
Has anyone else experienced this? Can he do this ? It seems to me he is annoyed because i requested bloods he didn't ask for, but they aren't for his clinic! My GP has made an error sending to him.
My partner thinks they are unprofessional as they have stressed me out all weekend now until I hear tomorrow. I told the nurse i would be putting in a complaint if this is what is decided without any consultation with us first. Disgusting service.
Obviously if there is a major medical reason that will affect transfer then i wouldn't want to waste the embryo but it brings in question the last fresh transfer when prolactin was 739 a month before and he said it was fine to go ahead. He's contradicting himself and probably forgotten what he told us about under 1000 is fine!
I am now thinking of moving clinics as they did a few things to stress me out during my last cycle - change my meds from menopur to meriofert mid stims with no notice!! Dodgy scan where lots of my follicles had so say gone and when i kicked off another sonographer rescanned and found them!
Any help or tips. I need to stay calm when they call tomorrow! I can't believe he didn't call me back on Friday and left me worried sick all weekend.